Next year's annual meeting will include dedication of Warwick and Walkill.
2016 annual meeting
by obarac 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just in US ?
Otherwise we have some time issues surely
Per poster Medieval:
Hay una carta ya colgada en las cuentas de los Ancianos Anunciando el Cancionero.
There is already a letter posted to the elders accounts that announces the new songbook.
edit: Spanish Version English version
on it's way...Posted belowNew Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah has 151 songs.
October 1, 2016 TO ALL ENGLISH-SPEAKING CONGREGATIONS AND GROUPS Re: “Sing Out Joyfully” to Jehovah
So nothing big happened? I guess next year then
Well, that was anticlimatic.. -
The Big Machine
Yeah, very disappointing since previous years so much more happened. I don't think a new GB was announced either. We'll know for sure once someone posts detailed notes from the meeting.
Yawn - Yawn
Island Man
So the new songbook that was released just a couple years ago is now to be discarded. What a waste of dedicated fund$!
You mean the penis songbook
You don't need books anymore to sing King-dumb Felonies. No device either? Don't worry.... They play it up on the screen. You can look enraptured as you stare into the nu-light...