Big News: August English Watchtower released on servers

by ukpimo 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FragrantAddendum

    well there's one more you can add to his tab

  • enoughisenough

    So if someone has sinned enough to be "removed", he can still get a greeting if he shows up at the meeting, or he could be invited to a meeting by others...and even the elders will call on him to see if he has a change of heart....BUT...If one officially removes himself, he is deemed not fit to live and God forbid a JW speak to him Or engage on social media with him. I hope the courts aren't fooled by the word "removed", because we all know it is word play. Removed sounds like, just let go ( kinda like fired ) without any other repercussions. Disfellowshipped sounds like what it more fellowship. The words changed, but the result is the same. Surely an astute lawyer can see through this word play. WE can! We are not fooled. JWs will be fooled because they wrap pretty scriptures around it and the JWs aren't informed as to the legal battles that brought on these word changes. I don't know if any JW see my fb page or not, but I have posted on it not to be fooled!

  • slimboyfat
    What lie did the devil ever tell? None as far as I can see.

    “You won’t die.” Was the big one.

    I find your comment confusing, because if you are allowing for the narrative details of the Bible as a premise for the question in the first place, then I don’t see how it’s possible to deny that Adam and Eve actually died, and that the statement that they wouldn’t die was therefore a lie. Or what are you saying?

    If you are not using the narrative as the premise of the question, then I don’t know what is the point of saying the devil has never told a lie. He’s never done anything if he doesn’t exist.

  • ThomasMore

    Well that settles it. I am going back!

  • Biahi

    My opinion only: If someone is “no longer a congregation member”, then they should be treated like a worldly person. JWs interact every day with worldly people. Workmates, neighbors, people you interact with day by day. If they just got treated normally, not like seeing them in a grocery store, or some other random place, greet them as someone you haven’t seen in a while, and say hello, exchange pleasantries. Whereas now, if they see you in the store, they run the other way. 🤷‍♀️ If they expect full on shunning, then F them.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    What lie did the devil ever tell? None as far as I can see.
    “You won’t die.” Was the big one.
    I find your comment confusing, because if you are allowing for the narrative details of the Bible as a premise for the question in the first place, then I don’t see how it’s possible to deny that Adam and Eve actually died, and that the statement that they wouldn’t die was therefore a lie. Or what are you saying?
    If you are not using the narrative as the premise of the question, then I don’t know what is the point of saying the devil has never told a lie. He’s never done anything if he doesn’t exist.

    Did the devil lie - according to the bible?

    Gen 3:4,5:

    “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

    Gen 3:22:

    And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

    Did the devil know that God would prevent Adam and Eve from taking fruit from the tree of life and continue living? If he didnt, he didnt lie.

  • no-zombie

    Even when I served as an Elder, I've all ways had a question regarding the Disfellowshipping arrangement that no one could really answer in a satisfying way. And with these new changes, it becomes more of an issue.

    And that is ... If a person is Disfellowshiped for a sin, but latter the rules in the KS book governing that sin are modified by the Governing Body so that its no longer a Disfellowshipping offense, what is the standing of the people previously 'removed from the congregation'?

    Now the weasel way out would be just to say ... "well they could just re-apply to their committee for a review of their case". But in reality, their Disfellowshipping should just be annulled, because of the obvious reason.

  • ozziepost
    . If a person is Disfellowshiped for a sin, but latter the rules in the KS book governing that sin are modified by the Governing Body so that its no longer a Disfellowshipping offense, what is the standing of the people previously 'removed from the congregation'?

    When, as an elder, I asked the same question I was told at branch level that the disfellowshiping was justified because of rebellion to “Jehovah’s organisation” (TM).

    You just can’t win!

  • Gorb

    At the rare moments when we visit the hall, we (family of 4, incl 2 children) get a cold shoulder. Pomo but no sins only absence. Last time we were put on the cheapest seats with one or two cold greetings.

    So there is a world to win, I should say.

    Understatement anyway.


  • nicolaou


    When we read the Devil's only conversation with Eve as recorded in Genesis 3:1-5 what do we find? That the Devil asked one question of Eve and made a few specific statements, all of which were completely true. The most important of those statements was a direct response to God's warning not to eat the forbidden fruit. God said; because on the day you eat from it, you will die!” Satan’s response? “You won’t die.” Genesis 3:4 CEB

    So who was telling the truth? Did Eve die on the day she ate from the tree of knowledge? No. The Devil had told the truth, God had lied.

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