Big News: August English Watchtower released on servers

by ukpimo 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nicolaou

    More than happy to continue the conversation re the first lie but seems impolite to derail this topic. I'll start a fresh one if no-one else does it first.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    We will never abandon the disfellowshipping practice.

    But we will blow out your future by removing you from the congregation and from your loved ones.

    Ok got it.

  • Journeyman
    Gen 3:22:
    And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil


    Yes, "us". In Biblical context, Jehovah was talking to other spirit creatures in heaven, most likely his son Jesus, who was alongside him during the whole of the Genesis account (Proverbs 8:22-31, John 17:5)

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    Yes, "us". In Biblical context, Jehovah was talking to other spirit creatures in heaven, most likely his son Jesus,


    but jevovah was still top dog god though?

    and what was the evil they knew about ?

    in point of fact--what evil could the man have got up to--?

    ( apart from scrumping apples of course )

  • Vidiot


    …not only is it not called “disfellowshipping” anymore…

    …there’s a bunch of stuff that aren’t DFing removal-level offenses anymore…

    …the rare occasions it happens, it’s just for a few months…

    …and “marking” (and more importantly, “marking” talks) are no longer even a thing.

    Makes you wonder if all that passive resistance is actually having an impact.

  • slimboyfat

    Have the old shunning videos been taken down from the website?

    Are people keeping copies for the record?

  • FragrantAddendum

    that's a really good question

    looks like they're still there...for now

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