Nature is amazing :)

by LoveUniHateExams 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • scary21

    Thank you Morpheus but what is wrong with changed? I know I get things wrong thanks to no education past 10th grade. I did get my GED.. Anyway the videos I referred to are very good.

  • _Morpheus

    Changed has an open ended connotation, its neither good nor bad. In the context of an eco system change is typically negative, especially when an organism has been “introduced”.

    In this case however, “change” isnt bad and the organism wasnt “introduced” it was “reintroduced”. The wolves are a natural part of the ecology and were removed by man, not as a part of any natural process.

  • scary21

    Ok, thanks for the response Morpheus. I had to read it a few times but I think I've got it.

    It's great to hang out with such smart people. I learn so much being on this site,

  • Crazyguy

    Maybe the reason their willing to approach these men is one , they have been fed before by the other guy and two their The apex predator so they just don’t have the fear for man yet.

    I remember when I was growing up as a JW they using some scripture saying something of the sort that god put into animal to be afraid of man. Just another bible error.

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