Are you glad you got the Covid Vaccine? Did it help?

by liam 95 Replies latest social current

  • liam

    I didn’t get the Covid vaccine, but I admit, I was scared as shit I made the wrong decision because there was so much confusion out there. Practically all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth. Now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.

    Starting from the White House Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Fauci, to all the CNN networks, to President Biden taking the vaccine, to several high powered Celebrities, and let’s not forget the World Health Organization, aka- the Specialized agency of the United Nations whose sole goal is the concern with international public health.

    So they gave the Pharma in charge of developing a vaccine,……. Immunity from any legal recourse in case you or your family member died as a result of taking the vaccine. “Red Flag”

    Then it got crazier. Unknown doctors around the world were being BANNED from Face Book and Twitter for saying that the vaccine was dangerous, and that other alternatives were safer and Covid was not a threat to young healthy humans. That it was a virus that was a little stronger than the common flu and was a threat to the elderly, and those with medical problems, as well as those who don’t take care of their health, like obese persons.

    Finally the Cover up is Exposed.

    Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Caving to White House Pressure on Censoring Content

    He admits that in 2021 the Biden Administration, including the White House repeatedly pressured them for months to Censor Covid 19 Content.

    The same pressure was put on twitter to cover up information on Covid 19

    And pressure to cover up the Hunter/Biden lap-Top that would have removed him as President.

    It’s becoming evident that there was Never a need for a world Lock Down. It was all orchestrated to prevent Trump from being President

    The assassination did not work, so what’s next?


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  • Simon

    Whatever it was, it wasn't informed consent.

    Does anyone know anyone who actually died from COVID? I know of people harmed by the vaccines, but the supposedly deadly virus? It was media hype.

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  • liam
    Simon; Does anyone know anyone who actually died from COVID?

    I don't know Anyone who died from Covid. What I do know because I have some family that works in the Health field in hospitals, is that the people that "Supposedly" died of Covid actually died of something else that they were already struggling with, like heart failure, Kidney disease, Cancer, Respiratory disease, and other non-medical related issues, like being obese, or they were just old, like in their late 80s-90s.

    But the hospital's administration was pressured to call the cause of death, "Covid".

    It was really something weird that happened world wide. I've been trying to make sense why even people that are smart would be captured by this kind of hysteria. The only thing I found that somewhat made sense was the Topic, "Mass Psychosis"

    And example of this happening was when a Society somehow comes to the conclusion that Women were susceptible to being witches. As a result many innocent women were murdered because everyone started believing certain idiosyncrasies in some women was evidence of witchcraft.

    Now with Social Media, Crazies spread very fast world wide. Certain Greedy, evil, Politicians know this and use it to their advantage to gain power, and totalitarianism. .


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  • ThomasCovenant



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  • Riley

    I have two doctors in my family who were both involved with the collecting of pandemic data for the Alberta Health Authority and still are.

    The major takeaways were and still are .

    1. In 2021 when Covid was novel to humanity , there was a 15 fold reduction in hospitalizations, ICU admissions and covid deaths between being vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    2. In 2024 when adjusted by age group and cases per 100,000 , there is no evidence that vaccinated people are dying at higher rates of heart attacks , strokes , cancers etc. it is still slightly higher in the other group.

    On a personal note , I knew two people in there 40s and one in there 30s who died from covid. It is real and it is horrible.

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  • ThomasCovenant

    “President Trump’s swift, decisive response to the Coronavirus saved millions of American lives. Amid heavy criticism, President Trump halted travel from China, restricted all other foreign travel into the United States, and rapidly repatriated more than 100,000 American citizens stranded abroad.

    He established the Coronavirus Task Force to manage the Administration’s response efforts and launched Operation Warp Speed, which successfully saw two safe and effective Coronavirus vaccines in distribution by the end of 2020. The President’s historic investment in the U.S. industrial base was the largest since World War II, and he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to accelerate the manufacture of essential materials and lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE).

    On President Trump’s watch, the United States led the world in Coronavirus testing and pioneered groundbreaking treatments and therapies that reduced the mortality rate by 85 percent—saving over 2 million lives.”

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  • ThomasCovenant

    Liam, welcome to the forum.

    I added the video and quote because in your list of people and institutions that you associate with the vaccine rollout it seems you accidentally forget to include President Trump’s involvement?

    I hope that helps.

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  • liam
    Thanks ThomasCovenant, for bringing out that very important information.
    “President Trump’s swift, decisive response to the Coronavirus saved millions of American lives.

    And as soon as Biden took office, EVERYTHING WENT TO HELL!

    It's gotten so bad that several Major Democrats are endorsing Trump for President including Robert Kennedy who was running for President for the Democrat Party.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I am sorry-high shot still causing shoulder pain. Never tested positive yet when I got the sniffles.

    masks are a joke. Worn wrong and the cigarette smoke test fails them all. Masks caused controversy in 1919 too

    I know one who died in 3 days from sudden pneumonia stuff before C19 was in the news. One work associate and one 80 yo at the hall who did the 3 days and gone-no idea of underlying conditions. A few cases of "long covid" whatever that is.

    A lot of the sheeple claim repeated covid and they all took the shots.!! It almost seems to follow political belief. Psychosomatic? Mpox is due in time for cthe elections.

    West coast smoke is degrading our air quality and apparently Simon is responsible for the Canadian smoke (gotta blame someone)

    Can we get ebola (sensational symptoms) or widespread pneumonuc plague? The government is not thinking far enough out of the box.

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  • RandomUserName3500

    I worked in a nursing home before and during covid. We had 10 people die of covid. Before they got covid they were not in great health and a cold, the flu, or a spicy burrito might have done them in.

    A couple years before covid we had 6 people pass in the week between Christmas and New years. It was like they just didn't want to see the next year. Its a nursing home. Unfortunately people die there all the time. Not trying to be cold. Our covid deaths weren't out of line with any other year.

    Saw a lot of stupidity during covid. Got threatened with termination if i didn't clean shave my face. "CDC says you can't have a mask properly sealed in your face with a beard". You just did my face mask fit test right? I passed the fit test with a mask on my bearded face right? CDC says you can't. But you just fit tested me, you performed the test and did everything you could to try to get me to fail, I saw how differently you performed the fit test on non bearded people, you tried to get mine to fail and it didn't. My mask properly seals with my neatly trimmed beard.

    Doesn't matter shave clean or your fired.

    Found an online Dr, got a Dr note saying I can't shave and went to HR. Didn't shave. Didn't get fired.

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