I didn’t get the
Covid vaccine, but I admit, I was scared as shit I made the wrong
decision because there was so much confusion out there. Practically
all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because
everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth. Now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.
Starting from the White House Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Fauci, to all the CNN networks, to President Biden taking the vaccine, to several high powered Celebrities, and let’s not forget the World Health Organization, aka- the Specialized agency of the United Nations whose sole goal is the concern with international public health.
So they gave the Pharma in charge of developing a vaccine,……. Immunity from any legal recourse in case you or your family member died as a result of taking the vaccine. “Red Flag”
Then it got crazier. Unknown doctors around the world were being BANNED from Face Book and Twitter for saying that the vaccine was dangerous, and that other alternatives were safer and Covid was not a threat to young healthy humans. That it was a virus that was a little stronger than the common flu and was a threat to the elderly, and those with medical problems, as well as those who don’t take care of their health, like obese persons.
Finally the Cover up is Exposed.
Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Caving to White House Pressure on Censoring Content
He admits that in 2021 the Biden Administration, including the White House repeatedly pressured them for months to Censor Covid 19 Content.
The same pressure was put on twitter to cover up information on Covid 19
And pressure to cover up the Hunter/Biden lap-Top that would have removed him as President.
It’s becoming evident that there was Never a need for a world Lock Down. It was all orchestrated to prevent Trump from being President
The assassination did not work, so what’s next?