So… full
conspiretard then. Complete with unnecessary formatting and misplaced
capital letters
LOL, you sound like
my grandfather.
He was an elder in
the JW Org. Didn’t know how to use a computer, Once my dad showed
him and taught him how to use email, then social media, he became the
Grammar Police. It wasn’t long before he started harassing the
Ministerial Servants for not using proper grammar in their emails.
Not long after that he started making rules that to qualify as a MS
or Elder, you had to use proper grammar in all internet
communications. Not long after that, he got in a fight with all the
elders. Not long after that they removed him as elder.
It’s the internet
I can use s p a c e
s, or all CAPS, or Bold, or repeating exclamation !!!!! if I want to
convey emphasis. I can lengthen words like yessssss or nooooo, to
achieve other effects by repurposing the rules of formal writing. In
the internet, we can use meme, emoticons, or just post a pic, to
compensate for loss of gestures, vocal effects, or emotions.
This is not a site
where critical writing by millions of authors hang out. It
Chat-speak, is a place to yammer, opened to all sorts of people,
coming from different islands and continents, each with its own
rules, customs and conversations.
I think you would
get along great with my GrandPops