Azaria: mood barometer for today: sunny disposition, not at all angry, but struggling with some issues
I saw the programme last night and plan to see the conclusion Wednesday night. That Hitler was mentally ill, I don’t think too many would argue with. Yes he had a bad childhood; a lot of children do and they don’t do what he did. Could it be in part because his father and mother were related to each other? (uncle, niece). Are the mentally ill capable of knowing that they are evil? In my opinion to blame Hitler for all the monstrous acts that happened is a serious mistake. I think it was a lot more complex than that. I don’t think one individual can have so much influence, at least I hope not. I think there were many that may have been even more evil than him. He had a sick kind of charisma that a lot of people seemed to fall for. I also think that the German people of the time have to take some responsibility for what happened. The people were angry, things were falling apart, people were going hungry so they felt that they had the right to dump on a group of people, that way they didn’t have to take any responsibility for themselves. (See it’s their fault we’re in this mess.) To me a Nazi is more of an attitude; not necessarily a German soldier who fought in the war. (though I do think that certain nationalities have a group mentality more so than others-right or wrong, that’s what I think) There were Dutch Nazis, Polish Nazis, etc. I have to admit that I do have a prejudice against some older German men. I do wonder; did they fight in the German army? were they cruel? or were they just young boys following orders? (some in my opinion are very aloof, almost cold, critical-but maybe the aloofness covers a shyness?) I know that German men don’t have a monopoly on aloofness, cruelty; any person of any nationality can have those same traits) But I don’t have an intolerance towards German people in general, just some. Do I think that it’s right that I feel this way. I don’t. My mother, who was nine when the war started, does have a problem with German people. (she lived near Amsterdam) It’s understandable but that does not make it right. My prejudice didn’t rear its ugly head till I was in my 40's, for reasons beyond me. Maybe because of personal things that I was going through at the time, I don’t know. I do struggle with it; I know it’s wrong. I feel for the children, grandchildren of these monsters. Many years ago I saw a programme where a number of offspring were interviewed. What a legacy to have to live with. I remember watching another programme during the 60's, (I would have been in my teens) I can’t remember the individual, if he was a jury member? It was during Eichmann’s trial? This Jewish man looked at Eichmann, (Nuhrenburg Trials?) and thought to himself, this could be anyone; he’s really no different than I am. It must be scary to look evil in the eye. (I don’t know if I got all the info correct, but it was a long time ago) I do think that even Martin Luther has to take a small bit of responsibility for it also. He was a great man, but near the end of his life, I understand, he did make some anti-Semitic remarks. Remarks like these, over time, get into peoples’ psyche. At times when I hear an anti-Semitic or racial slur on some level it still amazes me. Such ignorance, such arrogance. One thing I didn’t realize was that some blamed the Dutch Communists? I knew that Hitler was Austrian and that his real name was Hiedler-correct spelling? (though I don’t think the latter was mentioned) I do worry about history repeating itself. When will we learn that we are all human beings. Though that’s a very difficult thing to say in light of what some people are capable of doing. When a sick individual like Hitler comes around, that we can do the right thing and get the proper help for him. But I don’t think that will happen. There will always be a Hitler, Saddam Hussein, etc. There will always be a scapegoat, the Jews, African-American, etc. It always seems to happen during difficult times, and the people want a saviour to get them out of it and they blame someone or a group of people other than themselves. One thing, I do think it’s unfair to compare Bush with Hitler. Though I have to admit that Bush seems to throw his weight around, and if some individuals question it (eg. an American who criticizes Bush is anti-American which I think is a low blow) (I’m really no fan of Cretien-but he stood up for what he believed-he wasn’t going to allow Bush to influence (maybe bully?) him (us) if he (we) thought the war was wrong-I would like to think that it was his only motive-that he thought it was an immoral war) I don’t believe Bush likes or thinks much about Canada, but I could be wrong and if I’m not wrong, I personally can live with it (as long as it doesn’t hurt the economy) Because Bush may not like us, doesn’t mean that Americans’ as a whole don’t like us-I also like to think that as a nation we have more confidence in ourselves and not pooh-pooh? because someone might not like us) I personally was not for the war in Iraq war because I didn't know enough to have an opinion, I think a lot people fetlt that way. Lets slow down and think about it. That's my thoughts. I know, I ramble on too much.
One thing I have to clarify; someone once mentioned, that sometimes people read into a post that the poster might be angry. I read one of my earlier posts, where someone could have thought that I was angry, but I wasn’t at all, just a little annoyed. Maybe from now on I’ll have a mood barometer beside my name. Azaria-today-calm, sunny, or cynical, annoyed, etc. or just a smiley face so if anyone reads my post they will know my mood.