CBS's Hitler', Digging at the Roots of Evil (washingtonpost)

by sf 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland

    Why do people tend to refer to Hitler as a 'psychopath'? Wars of conquest/genocide are a frequent occurence in human history. I don't mean to justify what he did, but I it seems that people are always trying to figure out what happened to make Hitler the way he was etc. I was watching the History aka WW2 channel and they had an episode atttempting to uncover the roots of his antsemitism,as if it were a big mystery. Anti-semitism was the norm in central europe at that time, no mystery there. I think there are plenty of racist people in the world who would be willing to do the same thing to their perceived enemies if they were put in absolute power of a modern industrial nation.

    I think it's too easy to say Germany was controlled by a madman and we'll never really understand why he was the way he was. He couldn't accomplish what he did without a lot of people agreeing with him. I think he was perfectly sane. Sane in the sense that I dont believe he had any kind of mental illness. Germany was taken over by a kind of mob mentality, and people in groups will do things they would never do alone. I think what happened in Germany was just an example of a flaw in human nature that could happen anywhere under the right circumstances. That's scary. Humans are infinitely malleable.

  • Francois

    DantheMan, You referenced the "vitriolic Rupert Murdoch press"?

    Where were you and all the rest of your liberal, democrat, neo-Marxist friends for the forty years when there was only ABC, NBC, & CBS, liberal all, spinning the nightly news into leftist gold? Nary a peep out of you people then.

    Now, there is a center-right news outlet and you people are pissing your pants. It would be much easier to believe you really gave a crap about it if you'd been complaining for forty years about the whinning liberal elitist press...but you didn't do that did you? It was just fine with you when the news was tilted your way, but when the other side gets a fair hearing for a change, you choke on your own shorts. It's really hard to have any sympathy for you at all.


  • IronGland

    Francois, in your opinion can a person a.) criticise the right, b.) vote democrat without being a neo marxist pinko commie liberal peacenik swine?

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    German soldiers had a belt buckle with the words “God is with us”

    WTS is the only true channel through which Jehovah God operates....

    during calamitous times, people follow psychopathic leaders that promise utopia and provide scapegoats to blame for the current conditions

    during calamitous times, Jehovah’s witnesses rely on Jehovah’s direction through the Faithful and discreet slave, to lead them into a harmonious and everlasting life on paradise earth…Satan is to blame for the present condition of the world, as we near the end of the current system of things

    there are plenty of racist people in the world who would be willing to do the same thing to their perceived enemies if they were put in absolute power of a modern industrial nation.

    November 15 th 1952, Questions from Readers states: We are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from God and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai and in the land of Palestine (Deut 13:6-11, AS). Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.

    He couldn’t accomplish what he did without a lot of people agreeing with him

    6 million members worldwide…

    So would a nation, no matter who they are, recognize another Hitler in the making?

    Scary, huh?


    ....hope you can see my comments this time.....

  • DanTheMan

    Geesh Francois, speaking of know, I like you Francois, and I enjoy a lot of what you say on this forum. But...

    I think you are much too quick to assume that I'm a neo-marxist liberal. This is one of the things that I can't stand about conservatives - all the nasty labels they attach to the unbelievers.

    I believe in small government. I believe that taxation should be equal, not a defacto socialist scheme where the rich pay through the nose to pay for government programs for the poor that don't work. I believe that government should stay out of the private affairs of the citizens it governs. I hardly consider myself to be a leftist or a marxist.

    What I fear is political fanaticism, from any direction. And as I've stated before, sometimes the tone of the conservative press and talk radio has a bit too much of a "true believer" tone for me, and it scares me.

  • waiting

    Interesting thread. Yes, I did watch the miniseries - ok, for tv. I thought they glossed over a lot - but it did show some background.

    Anti-semitism was the norm in central europe at that time, no mystery there. I think there are plenty of racist people in the world who would be willing to do the same thing to their perceived enemies if they were put in absolute power of a modern industrial nation. -Iron Gland

    Agree totally. Just look at what happened to the black race, the American Indians, the Indians from India under Britain, the Jews, the Irish, the name 'em........most ethnic/religious groups have been persecuted - many exterminated. Btw, anti-semitism also was strong in America during same time period, then in WWII, the Japanese were imprisoned here in the USA.

    I think it's too easy to say Germany was controlled by a madman and we'll never really understand why he was the way he was.

    I believe it's the same thinking that all rapists/child molesters etc., are mentally ill. Some, surely. Most likely, most are sociopaths (if not all) - but that doesn't make one mentally ill. More like cruel & vicious. I think people don't want to believe that a sane person could do such evil things. They can....and do.

    He couldn't accomplish what he did without a lot of people agreeing with him. Germany was taken over by a kind of mob mentality, and people in groups will do things they would never do alone. I think what happened in Germany was just an example of a flaw in human nature that could happen anywhere under the right circumstances.

    Mob mentalility? Perhaps. But also the very nature of German society (staid, authoritarian, closed off to public - even private - shows of true emotion) had a lot to do with it. Timing also........after WWI - people were broke, tired, hungry, & looking for a way out. Hitler delivered.

    I've read where in A Cause - it's always beneficial to find The Evil One. Well, Hitler found his......the Jews....and promoted this hate....therefore becoming The Savior from The Evil One. As mentioned, it was already under the surface - has been for centuries.

    I believe Hitler was a smart sociopath.....but probably not a madman. Cunning & manipulative & cruel. The marks of a truly dangerous person.


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