Why do people tend to refer to Hitler as a 'psychopath'? Wars of conquest/genocide are a frequent occurence in human history. I don't mean to justify what he did, but I it seems that people are always trying to figure out what happened to make Hitler the way he was etc. I was watching the History aka WW2 channel and they had an episode atttempting to uncover the roots of his antsemitism,as if it were a big mystery. Anti-semitism was the norm in central europe at that time, no mystery there. I think there are plenty of racist people in the world who would be willing to do the same thing to their perceived enemies if they were put in absolute power of a modern industrial nation.
I think it's too easy to say Germany was controlled by a madman and we'll never really understand why he was the way he was. He couldn't accomplish what he did without a lot of people agreeing with him. I think he was perfectly sane. Sane in the sense that I dont believe he had any kind of mental illness. Germany was taken over by a kind of mob mentality, and people in groups will do things they would never do alone. I think what happened in Germany was just an example of a flaw in human nature that could happen anywhere under the right circumstances. That's scary. Humans are infinitely malleable.