Interesting thoughts in your post. I couldn't help but wonder if people today would recognize another Hitler. You said that the German people bore some responsibility for what happened. I agree. However, how much did they really know about what was going on? The invasion of Poland was a reponse to a falsified story about Polish incursion into Germany. The German people saw that invasion as justified.
Interestingly, German soldiers had a belt buckle with the words "God is with us" (or something close to that).
So would a nation, no matter who they are, recognize another Hitler in the making?
So would a nation, no matter who they are, recognize another Hitler in the making?
Nope. It seems like it's a law of nature - during calamitous times, people follow psychopathic leaders that promise utopia and provide scapegoats to blame for the current conditions.
I don't think Bush currently is a Hitleresque psychopath. Could he become on under the right conditions? Time will tell. Everybody thinks they're somehow different from the previous generations of homo sapiens that have lived here on the third stone from the sun. We're not.
Here's an interesting overview from the BBC Education website. I was the second generation German that asked their parents and neighbors, why, why, why. And could it happen again.
[[ "...I'm afraid, reveals how the harmless aspirations of ordinary people can be corrupted into a support for evil. Hitler's popularity was based upon the fact that he could identify, and exploit the often unspoken needs and yearnings of ordinary people. He boasted that he understood the secret heart of the German people, and his success rather argues that he did." ]]
[[ "That many of these needs and yearnings were irrational worried Hitler not at all. He never made the slightest pretence that he had any respect for the political knowledge or intelligence of the ordinary man. Indeed, he stressed that he didn't. Any German could have seen Hitler's low view of the capacities of the people by reading his book Mein Kampf, dictated in 1924 and published in 1925. Unconcerned that his views might cost him votes, Hitler stated quite categorically that most people were incapable of making a sensible political judgement - they should leave such matters to him." ]]
Rutherfords Mentor, indeed! Jaracz' too, no doubt!!
German soldiers had a belt buckle with the words "God is with us" (or something close to that). So would a nation, no matter who they are, recognize another Hitler in the making? I doubt it. -- Stan Conroy
... during calamitous times, people follow psychopathic leaders that promise utopia and provide scapegoats to blame for the current conditions. I don't think Bush currently is a Hitleresque psychopath. Could he become on under the right conditions? Time will tell. -- DanTheMan
What would have happened in 1930s Germany had Hitler NOT been a psychopath but did all the same things he did - only for political reasons? For example, invading Poland based on a false (ified) report? Would the results in Poland have been the same? Would the Germans back home have continued to back him? Even AFTER they found out that the report was false?
September 11 has been (over) used as the reason for everything from the stripping of civil liberties of American citizens here to the assassination of a sovereign leader on CNN while 66% of America cheered. First Osama then Sadaam have been convenient scapegoats that the neo-conservatives in Washington have latched onto to further their political agenda. Bush, as close to a rabid Christian as we've ever had in the white House, believes to his heart of hearts that god is on his our side. He speaks of "crusades against evil" and "evildoers."
No, I don't think he's a psychopath, either, but every now and then, he sure looks like one.
p.s. I think it's good to mention that while we watch the next installment, it should be remembered that this program is television. TV. Entertainment. FWIW.
"p.s. I think it's good to mention that while we watch the next installment, it should be remembered that this program is television. TV. Entertainment. FWIW."
I haven't watched any of it. Apparently there are some huge liberties taken with the historical accuracy. I recall reading that whoever authored the original book that this movie is based off of, asked to have his name removed from the project all together. Whether or not that's true, I don't know.
Did you guys notice at the end of the movie when they were summing up what happened AFTER Hitler became president, they made mentioned of the Jehovah's Witnesses and how many were killed in concentration camps?
hey Stan! ---liberties taken with historical accuracy? HA! what a joke!
as I said on another thread tonight...
Crappy Hitler miniseries! It is a joke! It has the times wrong the names wrong. The actors are the worst I have seen in a long time. I sat thru one episode with my history books and ripped it to shreds. I am offended that this stupid country thinks it has to lie and misrepresent even the reality of how horrible it was just to make ratings. Talk about propoganda! and the American public lap it up like kittens!
I almost COULDN'T watch it 30 minutes into the second half.
It disgusted me how much THE PEOPLE licked at Hitler's balls. And for what reason, I never could figure out as I forced my-self to watch it in it's entirety.
Then the end made me almost puke as it mentioned the jws as 'victims'. Most people do not know the truth about 'this church and Hitler history'. Guess the molestation issues are pretty null and void now. Go figure!
Germany Intermedia bestows them an award for a video full of fabrications and deceptions recently as well. ROFOLOLOLOLOL!!
What is going on in this EVIL, DECEPTIVE, ASS LICKING EACH OTHER WORLD, I ASK?!!! And why aren't more people outraged??
The people ALLOWED Hitler to rule! Same with Bush now and same with Ted Jaracz of the Watchtower Enterprise!!! Same with many other entities and dynamics. Especially where kids are involved! (edited to add content)