Fake news. He never said to inject bleach
A great detailed breakdown of how the media lies to you, which is why you believe BS that you are told:
by Simon 656 Replies latest jw friends
Fake news. He never said to inject bleach
A great detailed breakdown of how the media lies to you, which is why you believe BS that you are told:
So no, you are right, he did not say beach, he said disinfectant, but still he mentions injecting that into the body, so it is not a hoax.
Trump says, "Try to get lots of water". The media says: "Trump tells people to go drown themselves".
It is true that Trump has moments of sloppy speech. That is a valid criticism. However, the point is that if the media was genuine, doing honest journalism, the worst (the absolute worst) headline they could have written would have been something like: "Trump bumbles speech through parts of the COVID briefing".
There is no way any reasonable person could have heard Trump's words and thought, "Well, I should go inject some bleach or Lysol into my arm."
Can we finally put the “it’s like the flu” nonsense to rest?
That depends on what you mean by that. As more data comes in, the death rate is looking quite a bit "like the flu". However, other aspects of this virus are not like the flu, such as the rate of contagion. The entire point of the economic halt was NOT to prevent the virus from spreading. It will spread. It will come back in the fall.
We’ve had people on this forum contract the virus and die, the prime minister of the UK in intensive care, members of the government in Italy, Iran, and elsewhere seriously ill. I don’t know anyone personally who has died, but through other people: one person in my dad’s work died, another in my mum’s workplace, someone at the post office, one relation of my cousin, and a family member of someone in a Glasgow church.
It is tragic when anyone dies. I've knows two people (not counting Zing) that have died from this. But what is the point of this statement? Fear? Do we ignore the facts and hide? Do we watch our civilization crumble because we are scared? There are net effects to policy. It is not the case that public policies are 100% correct or 100% incorrect.
I don’t remember hearing of anyone dying of the flu ever.
I do. My son's friend died of the flu. Small boy.
I understand it does happen every year, mainly with very old people, but clearly this virus is on a completely different scale.
In some ways, yes. But in others, no. And as more data comes out, we should re-evaluate our positions. That is only healthy.
Not to mention growing worries about long term health impacts on those who survive the disease, that we may need to live with as a society for years to come.
We can't hide from it. There is a high probability that you will get this at some point. You may have already had it. It seems like the vast majority of people don't even know they had it. If you never get it, the reason will be that everyone else has gotten it and is providing you with herd immunity.
I absolutely agree with people who say China has got questions to answer, even reparations may be in order.
Yeah, I am not sure how we can handle this. Just walking away from debt obligations might cause other issues (net effects)
Everything I hear tends to support the idea that this virus escaped from a laboratory. In either case the Chinese authorities were criminally negligent, We also need to hold our own governments to account. The fact this started in China doesn’t absolve our own governments of responsibility for their failure to prepare and poor response to the crisis.
And there are reports (from the US Senate, no less) that we were funding the research. I will wait for more information on this, however.
They will use whatever meaning of a word can be twisted for best effect, and the gullible fall for it hook line and sinker every time.
If he says "disinfect" then they start saying "bleach" as though that is the only meaning when it's clear the context being discussed was UV light. That shows it's not just a mistake but a contrivance. They put effort into their misinformation regarding such a critical issue.
That anyone does go out and drink bleach is down to their messaging. The press really are the enemy of the people.
That depends on what you mean by that. As more data comes in, the death rate is looking quite a bit "like the flu".
It doesn't though, it's clearly worse. I suspect you are not comparing like-for-like which is something lots of people are doing.
It doesn't though, it's clearly worse. I suspect you are not comparing like-for-like which is something lots of people are doing.
What do you mean by that? I am referencing the several studies recently released - one from Stanford, one from USC, and the other (I think) was from NYC on delivery room mothers (they were getting tested no matter what as they came in to deliver). The Standford study had the death rate around 0.1% - 0.2%. That is nearing the death rate for the flu (0.1%). When I said it is "looking quite a bit 'like the flu'", I was referencing these studies. Now, these studies could be shown to be incorrect as time goes by. But for now, the death rate is curving down toward flu-like rates.
This is largely because 1) with more testing the studies are finding a 50 to 80 times more people infected, but aren't symptomatic at all, and 2) governments are fudging the number of deaths. So the numerator is shrinking and the denominator is growing.
The rate if contagion, however, seems much higher than the flu.
When someone says: "Can we finally put the “it’s like the flu” nonsense to rest?", it bothers me. We should be able to talk about it. If one study comes out with a revised death rate, that might be a "hmmm" moment. Two? Three? All giving the same reasons why the numbers shift?
So when you say "it is clearly worse" if we compare "like-to-like", what do you mean? In what way are you comparing? Are you referring to the potential to cause a system collapse (like Italy), then yes, that is true. But neither of us is incorrect at that point.
I don't see how they can get accurate numbers of people who get the flu or the percentage that die from the flu.
There a e a number of different strains of the flu, not everyone who has it reports and there is a large number who won't get it because they have had a vaccine.
Even if Covid had exactly the same fatality rate as the Flu, it would be at least 10x worse because it is way more infectious.
it's going to kill more people in a few months than regular flu does in a year, and that is despite a global lockdown and myriads of precautions everywhere.
Any message that involves anything remotely like "same as the flu" is misleading and dangerous IMO
The Stanford seroprevalence study is very good news. In the interest of accuracy though, influenza burden is not modeled in this fashion. Cases not requiring medical attention are almost entirely a matter of self-diagnosis via questionnaire. Asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases would similarly fly under the radar and not be included in mortality estimates.
U.K today has 4,000 new cases and 4,000 new deaths! Russia 99,000 and Brazil 74,000 have rocketed up the top ten which are very high population countries. Saudi Arabia, India, Mexico and South America are taking off also. I work in a hospital in Australia we are moving into cold winter Covid here is under control but we are on high alert preparing for the day when we open international Flights. We fast tracked our new intensive care unit to open in May. How can we open our boarder when the world is burning up! Scary our P.Minister says he can't see us opening soon. But we are losing billions $ we don't have if we are closed. Economic Armagedon but when we open the boarder who do we ban from entry? U.S? Europe?