Then he said, "If you were in Africa and had people chasing you with a machete, then you'd be stressed. Otherwise, you're REALLY not stressed."
Circuit Overseer: "You Are Not Really Stressed. You Just Think You Are"
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Would Jehovah's people be stressed because of the 5 meetings they have each week? Would the non productive field service and ever changing truths stress them? Would the false prophesies and the fact that they are getting older stress them? Since they are in a spiritual paradise, why would they be stressed?
I wonder which is stressing them most, the evil world, or the very demanding JW organization.
So, if you were in the US and someone was chasing you with a knife, you wouldn't be stressed?
For a guy who doesn't have to work for a living and gets his car and health insurance paid for, gets extra cash on the side, doesn't have any children to feed or clothe, I doubt he has little stress to worry about.
I love it when the boom drops on people like that. Both parents suddenly need to be looked after due to illness, finds themselves at 55 have to look for work, all they can find is a little, dark studio apartment in the basement of a brother's home, etc.
Of course he's not stressed. The congregation foots his bill. What a dick.
Interestingly, JH, the CO mentioned these very things. He simply made the pronouncement that these things do not stress us and told the congregation they should do more..... Blondie, he only spoke of stress in Africa. Maybe he feels those outside of Africa really don't have it all that bad.
It still amazes me to think that we had meetings 3 days/nights a week then went in service one or 2 days a week. I usually went out during the week and then on Saturday. So that left me with a Wednesday and Friday night off. Then once every 6 weeks we had to clean the KH on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. And we had to get ready for meetings by studying for them, when? At night! Then if there was a stupid, boring gathering know ice tea and cake? ugh
It was enough stress just going to the hall with all the cliques, gossip and
commandspleas to do more, pay attention to the older ones, excuse me, when was I supposed to clean my house or go to work? I guess work was supposed to fall into my spare time! -
This is such a typical tactic. Stress is "all in your head." Which makes it your problem.
If a regular publisher could simply submit an itemized list of their expenses for the week to the congregation, and have them paid for, I'm sure their stress would be lessened.
As I've said elsewhere, I'm a slow learner. But the more of this kind of manipulative corruption of human dignity that I read, the more I want to do whatever I can to dismantle this pernicious organization.
One experience, that led to my resignation as an MS: A CO came through (Brandt was his name, demoted from DO as I recall), and at the "servants" meeting he went one-by-one and thoroughly reamed us all, for every "failure" he could name, imagined or otherwise. Satan shows more love than that man did.
A few years we had Gunther Starr as our CO. He was famous for saying, "Even if you have just ONE suit and you have to wash and iron it before every meeting, Jehovah has provided what you need."
Please. Let's see you get by on ONE freakin suit.
It reminds me of the new C.O. starting his first visit with us ,he says,to the congregation," NO PRESSURE FROM ME WILL BE HEAVY UPON YOU."Job:33:7
Then when he meets with the Body of Elders,ahh! different story! As far as the concerned ,isn't he a nice C.O.better than the last one! Yep! No pressure from him! PRESSURE from the B.O.E'S.
So,sister pioneer works in the service with the newbie c.o. and complains that elder so and so is putting pressure on her.Oh don't worry about it sister pioneer I'll have a talk with him,just keep doing what your doing.BTW, how are things going in the cong???Feeling so good that newbie c.o. is not pressuring her she begins to YAKETY YAK, YAKETY YAK,about every thing she wants to get off her chest.
Next meeting with the Elder Body, be careful what you say around sister pioneer she got a loose lip and so on,and so on.She is complaing about you guys pressuring her,keep up the good work.