Still as lost and confused as ever..

by berylblue 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher
    What if she's RIGHT?

    Well she'd have to be believing the correct things. JW's have throughout their history posted false warnings about the nearness of the end -- including 1914, 1918, 1919, 1925, 1941, 1975 and the end of the 20th century. So they have had so many false prophecies about "end times", how can they be trusted?

    Another angle -- the JW's hold themselves aloof from Society. Their religion teaches them that they are superior to all the rest of humanity. But then they don't even have ministries or programs to help needy ones among themselves, much less the outside world. Such a snooty attitude reeks with hatred of outside society. So the question is -- even if they WERE right by chance, who would want to be associated with such a snooty and dysfunctional group "forever in paradise". The thought is frightening !!

  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda
    I hope you enjoy your new friends, they will not be around in a few years. Neither will you. Live it up. Your time is short."

    It's loving christian kindness like that which is certain to bring you running back to the gentle arms of Jehovah's organization, isn't it?

    "What if she's right?" you ask.

    Honey, if she were right, would you really want to live forever with people who have the capacity to be as unkind as she was in her letter to you?

    For me, personally, death would be preferable to a future with people like her (and I know plenty of them!!!)

    ((((((((((((berylblue)))))))))))))))))) Hang in there, and do some research. Once you demystify the doctrines they have oppressed us with all our lives (in my case, since before I was born...) you don't ever have to ask that question again. You just know they're not right.

    Don't let her get you down. Life is too short to be unhappy...or doubtful.



  • SixofNine
    Life is too short to be unhappy...or doubtful.

    Well put.

  • gumby
    Not with this forum, not with the internet. What specifically do you question she might be RIGHT about?

    I agree with sixer.

    Any questions a person could have about the witnesses has been covered here.

    The question long does it take each person to become convinced of the information they recieve? I'm not talking about being convinced the the borg has definately failed in many ways and still is. I'm talking about being convinced that god doesn't STILL hold them sacred.......even with their flaws.

    Joelbear was one who went through this just a tad to long also........though a lot of his wanting to go back was for old friends he missed.

    Are some much weaker emotionally than others and ALLOW for such an Organisation in their lives? It seems some are, and perhaps thats the best they can do.

    Myself......I could not even" FATHOM" even the idea of returning to something that has destroyed thousands of lives and is such a disgrace to humanity as the borg is. I detest it.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Every time some one points a finger at you and says "You are... condemned...wrong ... bad... selfish ... whatever" they are really 3 times more so.

    Check it out. Point you finger at something and then look at your hand. One finger is pointing away but 3 are pointing right back

    We have been on both sides.

    They aren't right

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    This IS Jehovah's organization....I hope you enjoy your new friends, they will not be around in a few years. Neither will you. Live it up. Your time is short."

    uhhhh, haven't they been using that line since 1914?

    I've never been a JW, just a person who believes in the Prince of Peace from the New Testatment....If His life is an example of what we should be doing, regarding loving others and helping our neighbors get through this life, there is NO way that Jehovah would recognize those who claim to be his witnesses, by mentally threatening other people... how do they even call themselves "Christian" when they do absolutely the opposite of what He would do.

    I strongly believe in a Creator who is positive, knows each of us and our hearts, and we are part of His ongoing plan; not the negative 'god' of your friend's hateful message.

    Relax, you're like most of us in this life, trying to figure out what that 'plan' is..... and I suspect the most important part of that plan is 'the journey' itself.

  • Sunspot


    I just wrote on another thread where I feel that JWs are insensitive turds....and they keep PROVING me right! Over and over again.

    Their arrogance is overwhelming, I know......but their judgemental attitude surpasses their arrogance! When they say " I am your friend", and then modify that with "Unless you worship the same way I do, I won't BE your "friend" anymore".......this is not only childish...but UNCHRISTIAN!

    GAWD...they make me sick.



  • onacruse


    It's natural to second-guess ourselves. And controlling groups like the WTS take deliberate advantage of that to keep their grip on us: "Well, if you're really not so sure, then why take a chance?" "How can you have doubts when so many other people are sure?" "You may think you're sure, but you're gonna pay the price." It's a very powerful psychological maneuver that plays against our self-worth. It worked real good on me; kept me in for 20 years longer than I "should" have.

    You know within yourself that you are a sensitive, thoughtful and intelligent person; don't let anybody, anybody, convince you otherwise.


  • nowisee

    dear rosemarie,

    i just have a feeling that no matter what any of us say you will have questions and doubts as i had those same questions and doubts for 27 years after leaving wts. i too was full of fear.

    you MUST do yourself the justice of reading l) crisis of conscience by ray franz. and speaking for myself, 2) answering jehovah's witnesses subject by subject by david reed was also so powerful. you MUST find out for yourself.

    i wish you peace in your mind and spirit.

    love, nowisee

  • Brummie

    Well I've just popped in here to say hello to you berylblue, i was wondering where you had gotten to.

    but while I'm here:

    I hope you enjoy your new friends, they will not be around in a few years. Neither will you

    Sounds very sadistic! In fact psychotic. With freinds from the past like that one you are bound to enjoy your new freinds.

    Good to see you


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