I recall reading somewhere that in his lifetime Fred Franz was listed as one of the most intelligent men in the USA. Can anyone think to what I am referring?
Fred Franz and high IQ
by petespal2002 47 Replies latest jw friends
National Enquirer.
It was actually in the AWAKE & WATCHTOWER magazines......and the National Enquirer, of course, picked up on it.
*** w77 8/1 p. 463 New Watch Tower President Elected ***
His outstanding reputation as an eminent Bible scholar
*** w55 11/1 Part 21: Education for the Theocratic Ministry Advanced ***
F. W. Franz, scholar, born in Covington, Kentucky, in 1893, attended the University of Cincinnati and became a minister in association with the Society in 1913.
*** jv chap. 8 Declaring the Good News Without Letup (1942-1975) ***
In the years that followed, one of Brother Knorr’s closest associates and trusted counselors was Frederick W. Franz, a man older in years than he was and one whose knowledge of languages and whose background as a Bible scholar had already proved to be of great value to the organization.
*** jv chap. 9 p. 109 Jehovah’s Word Keeps Moving Speedily (1976-1992) ***
Regarding Brother Franz, The Watchtower of August 1, 1977, stated: "His outstanding reputation as an eminent Bible scholar and his tireless work in behalf of Kingdom interests has won him the confidence and loyal support of Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere."
Hmmmm, the only plaudits for FF that I can find all come from the WTS.
Anybody wanna bet that FF wrote those comments about himself?
Ahh yes... Frederick Franz.
An intelligent man? You be the judge.
During his tenure as a "scholar" for the Watchtower Society, they published doctrine suggesting that a woman's sexual appetite is like that of a bovine (a cow for those unaware of veterinary medicine terminology) and that organ transplants were a cannibalistic practice.
I think Franz's track record speaks for itself.
I do believe that old Freddy was a smart man. You can not rise to be president of any large organization without being of relative intelligence. I do, believe that the Watchtower statements are a tad exaggerated.
Hope that you and ZaZu are in good form.
Yes, of course you are correct, Frederick Franz was a highly gifted scholar. That he was mainly self-taught makes this an accomplishment to be respected. Unfortunately like many 'self-gifted' people he did not surround himself with the kind of critics neccessary to enable these gifts to be adjusted and monitored when needed. The results of this are evident in many of his eccentric and often dangerous interpretations of scripture which went, and have since gone unchecked by common sense for many years.
I do know that thw WTS did boast that he was often approached by Bible Scholars not of the fold to gain his insight into passages of Greek that they were translating, but I cannot remember where I read this.
Best to you both - HS
You can not rise to be president of any large organization without being of relative intelligence.
Relative intelligence is not the same as scholarship. I've personally known more than one president of very large companies that wouldn't by any measure be considered extraordinarily "intelligent." They opportunistically took advantage, by chance of circumstance and/or "who they knew, who their family was" to get to where they were. imo FF falls into the first category; the WTS was eccentric when FF showed up (witness Woodworth and the Golden Age), and FF just happened to fit right in. FF bastardized whatever intelligence he had to the service of Rutherford's vendetta against Christendom and the elective elders. His "scholarship" was illusory.
That he was mainly self-taught makes this an accomplishment to be respected. Unfortunately like many 'self-gifted' people he did not surround himself with the kind of critics neccessary to enable these gifts to be adjusted and monitored when needed.
I agree. However, as one who is myself "self-taught," I can vouch that self-taught has nothing to do with scholarship. "Scholarship" is not the mere accumulation of vast quantities of information (PhD as in "piled higher and deeper"). Scholarship is the welcomed interaction of, and consideration for, other people's thoughts. FF sat there in his Ivory Tower for decades, isolated from, and even adversarial toward, any outside influence. imho, he was an introverted megalomaniac, not a scholar.
Respects to all,
He may have had a high IQ, but he and his men certainly twisted the scriptures around.
However, as one who is myself "self-taught," I can vouch that self-taught has nothing to do with scholarship.
I am not sure I agree. Surely it is possible to be a 'self-taught' scholar? The rest of your post is in essence what I wrote above.
Best regards - HS