My mom and I have been cleaning out the basement and gathered over 20 years worth of JW books, magazines, tracts (some dating from the 1950's!). We are playing with the idea to return the JW material in a box, with the words "WE QUIT" and a Xeroxed copy of the cover COC next Sunday morning in front of the local KH. Does anyone have any better/more sarcastic ideas?
Returning 20 years of JW books to KH need opinions
by SpunkyChick 30 Replies latest forum tech-support
there are a lot of people who want those books to use against their "new light" stuff, etc.... Don't give them back!! I am looking for 2 books, actually a Kingdom Interlinear and a reasoning book. Those books ar worth $ too. that is very
DJ - I will go peak to see if we have those....
Three choices...EBAY (some of the older books might bring in dollars).
Kingdumdumb Hall...They'll go to the congregation library or something.
BURN THEM...No one will have to worry then.
Thanks. You can PM me if you find them . I have been asking my mother for an interlinear for about 4 years. She won't get me one. I threw all of my books and mag's away seven years ago. I regret it now because I want to help my jw family to get out and they would never read CofC. I will happily mail you a Take Yeru's advice and check out e-bay and then donate the $ to charity. That is a kicker! I will happily contribute to your charitable fund..
Randy sells 2nd hand books over at Freeminds. I'd run it past him first. And yes, there're always people here trying to pick up bits and pieces. I say that the books should "go where the need is greater", rather than let them get chucked out/hoarded by the very people they can damage.
Hi Spunkychick,
My library is missing bound volumes and assembly releases.
I am Gary Busselman 7201 East Madison Street Sioux Falls SD 57110 605-334-5692
Hee!!@! I love it!
I personally went through all my books, made sure that there were no identifiable marks on them, put them in boxes, and dropped them off at the KH. I hated packing that crap around all those years!
I'd give someone elses left testicle for an Elder's manual.
I actually have a Kingdom Interlinear, might be able to get a second from my step son. I have about five Reasoning books. I'll send you one for the price of mailing it. Drop me a line.
I have about 50 song books (no lie). I used to forget mine every meeting & borrow one out of the library & take them home- I pretty much still have all of my books, but they are in storage collecting dust. I found the 1997 Watchtower cd rom today, because wanted to do some research to some answers on this site, but unfortunately it won't run on my MAC. I have like 4 or 5 reasoning books, & an old territory card I stole from the KH. All of the bound Watchtowers I threw away because the CD rom replaced it. I still have the Pioneer book too somewhere- Maybe Ebay is a good idea, or I could sell some to researchers or something/ who knows/ Anyway, some of those books are some of my great grandmothers with all kinds of notes in the margins- Kristine