Returning 20 years of JW books to KH need opinions

by SpunkyChick 30 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • jwsons


    Don't return. They were your family's money stealed by the Borg. Just go AND Search for "Watchtower" you will see how much they work .Off-course after you can give as free gift (or a little bit money) to some friends here in this Forum.


  • pr_capone

    Nicole - I would definately say to not return them. The mags might be used as litter left at not at homes, and the books would go to the library. Possibly they might make an announcement saying that they recieved a shipment of old books and the people are welcome to look through them and take what they need... dont forget to leave a contribution for the hard work the slaves brothers at Bethel put into making them.

    Either toss them or sell them and make some money for yourself. I personally tossed mine when I was done.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • SpunkyChick

    Thanks everyone for your replies. We are not going to return the books to the KH. We are going through the box to see exactly what we have and will contact those interested.

    Vails - We dig the idea to crap on a song book and use the crap as glue to hold a copy of the cover of COC!

  • BeelzeDub

    To make a point you could return a few items to the KH... but before you do, go through and take a high-ligher and highlight all the stupid things the WT said in print and dog-ear each page that you did the high-lighting. The books will then become useless to the hard core JW and you will make your point at the same time.

    I also have an extensive library boxed up in the garage. I will not move it the next time I move, so I must decide what books I want to keep and what ones to trash. Most of mine are from 1968-2000.

  • garybuss

    [email protected]

    Forgot to add that above. Gary

  • AlanF

    I'll take most anyone's literature off their hands. We can negotiate a price. Email me if you like: [email protected] AlanF

  • logansrun

    I know the "crap in the box" references were probably a joke, but just to be sure....

    Don't act in a manner that will only validate the assumptions JWs make of ex-JWs by behaving in an uncivil manner.

    Just a friendly reminder from:

    J. Bradley

  • reporter

    You should see what Russell's early works are fetching on eBay...

    Studies in the Scriptures, anyone?

  • little witch
    little witch

    Your collection is of high economic as well as educational value. Please consider giving your collection to a TRUSTED CHARITABLE COLLECTOR!

    Someone who can archive your collection, free of charge. Then sell to the highest for yourself.

  • xjw_b12


    Is there a University in your area?

    They may be interested in you donating the literature to their Library, and may even give you a tax receipt for the estimated value.

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