In the 'Revelation Climax' book we see an illustration of a woman giving up her baby, to heaven away from the grasping jaws of a dragon. This is meant to represent a scene from Revelation. The paragraph describes this events by telling us that "God's kingdom" was represented by the baby ande at its birth in 1914 it had to be snatched to heaven away from the clutches of Satan.
Bible students are puzzled over this, for it would mean that Jehovah was scared that Satan would destroy the Kingdom at birth, indicating that Satan was more powerful than God.
Incidentally, on many occasions whilst conducting Book Studies, we would have supposedly mistaken comments about this passage, where the brother or sister would say it represented Jesus' own birth i.e. not the Kingdom. I would hastily call for a "correcting"comment. Looking back on those times, I can see that many dubs have got it right, it does represent Jesus' own birth, death and resurrection to heaven.
So, do dubs believe that satan is more powerful? Yes, even though they don't think they believe it, in reality they do.
Cheers, Ozzie