Crisis of Conscience

by Cheyannesways 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfgirl

    FYI for whomever asked...Barnes & Noble is a great bookstore.

    I just finished reading COC the other day. I couldn't put it down! Is ISOCF more of the same, or is it about more religous, spiritual stuff? I'm not interested in religion any more. :\

  • mustang

    I've read it, but it's been a while. It's about time to reread it; I may take it on my next overseas plane flight.

    I thought it was well written, insightful and about the best arguments ever on WTS fallacies.

    I've ordered a second copy from Border's; but the 1st clerk only looked up hardback's and told me it was "out of print" and unavailable. I had them look again when my other order (Gentile Times..., COJ) came in. They can get it!!!


  • acsot
    I just finished reading COC the other day. I couldn't put it down! Is ISOCF more of the same, or is it about more religous, spiritual stuff? I'm not interested in religion any more.

    Wolfgirl - I was wondering the same thing. I'm interested in CoC in order to find out about the inner workings at the top of the hierarchy, but am not into Christian or biblical interpretation.

  • worldlygirl

    I just ordered mine from A new book is $14.95, but they have used ones in good condition for around $9.50.

    I can't wait to read it!!!!!!!!!!

  • SixofNine

    Wolfgirl, ISOCF is more about Franz' ideas on christianity. It appealed to me when I first left the borg... but I didn't get to it, and now I don't care about "christian" freedom, when simple "freedom" freedom is so much more honest and appealing.

    However, ISOCF does have a really great chapter on the blood issue, I don't know if it is still available, but I was able to find and read that chapter on the web.

  • gcc2k

    Randy says:

    Ray does not want any part of his book online, he has made that clear to me and others. But if you want to read it, you can also get it online at the Watchtower Store also:

    Just curious, what would be the reasons for that? To increase profits? Why not make it available for free?

    I checked this book out of the library years ago. As a fencesitter, I couldn't quite make the decision to bring it back, so it sits in my basement to this day. I really should return it. ("Hi, this is a little overdue...") I think I also have Anderson's book there too.
    I did buy Ray's second book but it seemed to drift off into an alternative religious direction, which is not something I was looking for at that time.

  • BadJerry

    WE two have read it. I often stayed up late to read it, & like you I could not put it down. Jerry had had it hidden away from us for awhile and after date-line aired it was out in the open for all to see. I didn't pick it up right away, Why? well ,you know, it's apostate literature that good little witnesses are not suppose to read. I was intriqued that it came from someone who had been at every level. So curiosity took over and I was so p.o'd at how they treated the "friends" in the Malawai/Mexico chapter that I pretty much quite going to meetings after that. It's coming up on a year already and we have NO regrets.

    His other book In Search Of Christian Freedom is also beneficial.

    from IMANALIENTO logging on to hubby's ID

  • SheilaM

    <tapping foot in irritation> Now CRAIG LOL No I don't read romances I have read a handful in my entire life. I read a lot of fantasy but also other things. I love Steinbeck etc. I am VERY well read. Funny though the one novel I'm working on is almost a romance YIKES funny how your writing can veer from your reading.

  • Litebriterstill

    Crisis was a very good book. My daughter found it on a used booksite on the web. I will ask her to post where she found it for $7.00.

  • Wolfgirl
    Wolfgirl, ISOCF is more about Franz' ideas on christianity. It appealed to me when I first left the borg... but I didn't get to it, and now I don't care about "christian" freedom, when simple "freedom" freedom is so much more honest and appealing.

    Thanks...I think I'll skip that one then. I'm of the same mind...I'm enjoying my freedom, living a happy life, being a generally good person. I'll leave it at that. :)

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