What are you currently reading?

by Sirona 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Mulan, yes dangnabbit, I've read every one of them. Let me, though, recommend you read Gary Jennings Aztec and The Journeyor, the former is an autobiography by an old Aztec captured by Cortez telling his life story to Spanish priests who are writing it down for the amusement of King Phillip of Spain; the later is the self-told tale of the journey of Marco Polo and it's fantastic. No wonder the people of Venice called him the world's biggest liar.

    Blackout, that sounds right up my alley. I'm going straight over to half.com where I buy my books for next to nothing and order it. The last book I bought there was that book about the founding of Australia, and it was $0.75. Of course, with shipping it turned out to be $2.98, but hey! beats paying retail and the book was in great shape. After I order it, I'll post again and tell you how much it cost. Try it yo'sef. half.com. And many thanks.

    And y'all are right on about Sarum. I loved that book. Actually, I've read it twice.

    FOR ALL YOU BOOK NUTS. Try getting your hands on a copy of the original The Power of One. It's nothing like the movie. In fact, the movie and the book are so different, it's like the makers of the movie didn't know the book existed. This book was not available in the states for a long time because it's author is from South Africa and we had that embargo for so long. I forget who wrote that book.

    Also, all the books by Wilbur Smith, another South African writer. There are several series of six books, so be careful that you're not buying a book in the middle of a series. The series that has "The Burning Shore" as the second book is fantastic, and one of its main protagonists is a female. Her fight to survive the Kalahari Desert after her boat sinks just after the end of WW I is epic, nothing but epic. In fact, I think I'll read it again now that I mention it.

    One more is a series of books about the Arthur Legend told in a totally different manner by Jack Whyte. There are six or seven books and they're all corkers. It makes the Arthur tale plausible. No magic, no smoke and mirrors, just a fantastic tale that covers generation upon generation, complete with all the characters, including the Pendragon clan and the whole shootin' match. Guaranteed to please the most discriminating historical fiction maven.

    Happy reading Y'all.


  • patio34

    I go back and forth from fiction to non-fiction. On deck is Thunder Rider's Burden (it's sitting on the end table).

    Current is a spectacular book by Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power. A brilliant man! And raises one's consciousness about the reality of today's world, giving a basic framework to understanding rationales. Even if one disagrees with the conclusions, the reading is insightful, witty, and brilliant.

    I just finished two mystery/suspense books by Tami Hoag, very engrossing.

    Thanks for this thread, Sirona. I love these.


  • Mulan

    Dave has read all of the Wilbur Smith books and we have the ones by Gary Jennings too. It sounds like we all like the same books.

    He got hooked on Bryce Courtenay this year too, and has read 4 I think. They all are sequels to each other. A friend gave him The Power of One, and he is hooked. He read Tommo and Hawk, and Solomon's Song, and one about The Potato Factory, I think. He loved them, but said I wouldn't. Too sad.

    One more is a series of books about the Arthur Legend told in a totally different manner by Jack Whyte. There are six or seven books and they're all corkers. It makes the Arthur tale plausible.
    Yep! Dave read all of those too.
  • blackout

    Fancois, you sound like a reader after mine own heart.

    Power of one is by Brye Courtney.

    I absolutely love Wilbur Smiths series on the Courtney family and Centaine De Thiry in South Africa and Nelson Mandela. Also love the Egyptian series with Taita,The seventh Scroll, River God, Warlock, was there another one?

    Dont think Ive read Jack Whyte but have read a lot of Arthur stuff so will have a look.

    Cheers Blackout

  • Mulan

    Francois: Have you read any of Harry Turtledove's books? They present an alternative history...........like "what if the South won the Civil War?" Dave loves them.

    Also the Colleen McCulloch series on The First Man in Rome. Dave read all of them and loved them. It presents a detailed history of Rome. (5 or 6 books)

    Eleanor of Aquitaine by Marion Meade
    She was an ancestor of mine. I need to read that one.
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Just found True Believer at the used book store so will add that to what I am reading

  • liquidsky

    I am currently reading "Running with Scissors" by Augusten Burroughs. EXCELLENT book! I highly reccommend it.

    This are my other fav's,

    Memoirs of a Geisha, Author Golden

    The Poisenwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver

    Year of Wonders (a novel of the Plague), Geraldine Brooks

    American Terrorist, Timothy Mcveigh

    Waiting, Ha Jin

  • Francois

    Mulan, someone gave me one of Turtledove's books and I never read it. Do you give it your Mighty Mulan's stamp of approval?

    YOU GUYS! Can't a person even recommend a book for you? Jeez, I let all my "secrets" out and you all have read everyone of 'em. Yes, I read Bryce Courtnay's Potato Factory to good effect. Might have to read it again.

    And the first book by Wilbur Smith I ever read was River God. After that it was Katy Bar the Door until I read everything the man ever wrote. I would love to make a movie out of River God and one from the Seventh Scroll as well. It would be epic. I would love every minute of it. River God is easily the best book of historical fiction set in Egypt I've ever read. And the Seventh Scroll as follow up is damn near perfect.

    OK, I'm off to half.com. Does anyone else here buy their stuff from there?


    PS - Yes, we all seem to be people after each other's heart. Warming in a strange way, isn't it?

  • SheilaM

    (((((((Bigtex)))))) Quit your postin and get to readin' LOL

  • Aztec

    I have to agree with Francois, this is one awesome book!

    I've read it through about 3 times and it's one of my all time favorite books. I even chose my user name because of my love for this book!

    Right now I'm reading Grimm's Fairy Tales. Some of them are quite gory and disturbing! I love it!


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