What are you currently reading?

by Sirona 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Mulan, someone gave me one of Turtledove's books and I never read it. Do you give it your Mighty Mulan's stamp of approval?


  • Francois

    OOPS, Tilt! I've been everywhere looking for Kings in Grass Houses to no effect. No half.com, no amazon, no barnes & nobles.

    Durn. Well. I guess you'll just have to mail me your copy now that you've got my thirst for it going. I refuse to lie down and give up.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I'm reading a concise history of the Russian revolution and I'm starting a book on Krakatoa next. I like Turtledove as well, the whole lot, if you like his stuff you might try SM Stirling.

  • Mulan
    you might try SM Stirling.

    Yes, that's another one of Dave's favorite authors. You might be able to discern that he is the real reader here.

  • blackout


    Heres a link Francois for the book on tape. Will get back to you if I find it elsewhere.

    BTW its Grass Castles not houses. lol

    Also I spelt her name incorrectly it is Durack.

  • Introspection

    Well, I was reading Why Religion Matters by Huston Smith, but frankly in spite of the fact that I enjoyed The World's Religions in college I find him a bit long winded, and I'm not sure if it matters if I finish it. I also picked up Boomeritis by Ken Wilbur, and not only am I not particularly interested in fiction these days, but I am also kind of bored with him to be honest. I think I may be getting more impatient in my old age, some people do have interesting things to say but they just take so dang long to say it.. Maybe I should go get some Cliff notes?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well I am re reading Ellen G Whites "Early Writings" and Nichol's "Ellen G White and her Critics". The latter book is an apologetics book explaining Ellen G Whites failed prophecies and doctrinal shifts.

    Right now I am listening to a guy on the Lou Gentile radio show who is in contact with a female alien from the Zeta Reticuli who insists she wants to have sex with him and produce an ( another) alien / human hybrid.

  • Cicatrix

    "Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You" just because I can:)

    I'm looking for a Dean Koontz book that I think is called "Snowman", but I'm not sure, and I haven't been able to find it. It's about a guy with a disease that makes him extremely sensitive to sunlight.

    I'm also looking for that book on Eleanor of Aquataine, but so far, no luck:)

    "Ahab's Wife" is very good.

  • Athanasius

    Currently I am reading THE TEMPLAR REVELATION, Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince.

    However, in the last year I have read:

    BERIA, Stalin's First Lieutenant by Amy Knight

    WHO KILLED KIROV?--The Kremlin's Greatest Mystery by Amy Knight

    ON A FIELD OF RED--The Communist International and the Coming of World War II by Anthony Cave Brown and Charles B. MacDonald

    KREMLIN WIVES--The Secret Lives of the Women Behind the Kremlin Walls From Lenin to Gorbachev by Larissa Vasilieva

    RED VICTORY--A History of the Russian Civil War by W. Bruce Lincoln

    LENIN A NEW BIOGRAPHY by Dmitri Volkogonov, the first account using all the secret Soviet archives


    STALIN TRIUMPH & TRAGEDY by Dmitri Volkogonov

    THE RUSSIAN FASCISTS, Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925-1945 by John J. Stephan

    STALIN, The First In-Depth Biography Based On Explosive New Documents From Russia's Secret Archives by Edvard Radzinsky

    THE WOLF OF HE KREMLIN, The First Biography of L. M. Kaganovich, The Soviet Union's Architect of Fear by Stuart Kahan


    MICHAEL COLLINS by Tim Pat Coogan

    THE SHOOTING OF MICHAEL COLLINS, Murder or Accident? by John M. Feehan

    THE BLACK AND TANS, The British Special Police in Ireland by Richard Bennett

    A HISTORY OF IRELAND by Peter and Fiona Somerset Fry

    THE IRISH CIVIL WAR by Tim Pat Coogan & George Morrison

    All of the above are non-fiction. Its obvious that I enjoy reading history, particularly Russian history. Its interesting how much the Watch Tower organization resembles the former Soviet Union.



  • petespal2002

    Any of the books by Jostein Gaarder, especially Through A Glass Darkley, about a young girls meeting her imminent death with the help of an angel, Vita Brevis, a supposed translation of letters to St. Augustine from his mistress, and of course, Sophies World.

    Also anything by Susan Hill.

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