So, Do You Think You're Smarter Than Most?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Does being a smart ass count?

  • minimus

    Yeah, so?


    Well, I hated school as a youth/teen. It was a battlefield in more ways than one.

    So school to me = pain, misery and boredom.

    Many years roll by, I return to school (night school). I graduated from high school (I was a dumbed down human ie: JW then). So I begin to tackle courses that I simply did not care about.

    I not only aced the courses, I was constantly making 95% to 100%.

    My best course: Biology

    I took different biology courses: high school, college and advanced. I was always in the 90% range, and in my final exams at college, I was in the top 5.

    Another course I was ridiculously good at: Algebra. I don't know what it is about it, but I'd get 100% all the time. It was in me. I could look at algebra equations and go to town on them.

    Trust me, I'd need refresher courses now. But once I see something, once or twice, and it's presented or demonstrated in terms that are tangible to me: I've got it! Eventually, I figure it out. But it does help to have a qualified and in-touch instructor.

    Not bad eh?

  • SheilaM

    Patio: How true, I love the flower analogy.

    Ray: Your intelligence shines through in all you do(of the girl that loves gray matter class)

  • WildHorses

    I'm smarter than my dog.(maybe not, I forgot to add er to smart) LOL

    so I better smarten up eh?

    Lady, did you steal that line from the movie......Born Yesterday?

  • Soledad

    I always did better than most other students in school, but I think that most of my intelligence is the sum total of life as I have experiened it to date.

  • JH

    I'm so smart that people can't follow my reasoning. I'm so smart that I quit the JW's. I'm so smart that I flunked recess at school.

  • donkey
    I'm no dumbass

    I am THE dumb ASS - hence my moniker.

    I was 2 years from completing high school when I left. I never attended high school again and never went to University.


  • Prisca
    Another course I was ridiculously good at: Algebra. I don't know what it is about it, but I'd get 100% all the time. It was in me. I could look at algebra equations and go to town on them.

    I knew there was something I liked about you Ray! I loved Algebra too, still do It is a subject that is quite easy to get high marks in, since Maths is an exacting subject. My maths teacher used to stress that all the time to us, and it's true. Whilst subjects like English or History are more of a subjective nature, Maths has an exacting nature. eg 3 + 5 will always equal 8 won't it?

    And my profession now is one where I deal with maths, especially algebra. I've always been good at maths, so it was probably a natural progression that I ended up in a maths-oriented occupation.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So, Do You Think You're Smarter Than Most?

    No. Just the opposite.

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