Differences of religion is one of the reasons that I am going through a divorce right now. My soon to be ex converted to Russian Orthodox a couple of years ago and although I let him belive what he wants, he would not return the favor.
Not long before he left, we had a discussion/argument about the "ransom sacrifice" and original sin. My views about Jesus are not what most organized religions accept as true. My husband got all upset and wouldn't speak to me. I am absolutely certain that he spoke to the priest about me. This was the problem that topped all our other problems and I just don't get it. He used to be a free-wheeling, wicca practicing pagan then out of the blue got Jesus. And in a big way too.
But, this thread is about you. I just wanted you to know that what is happening is not exclusive to JWs. Because I know the confusion and pain that you are feeling, I wanted to encourage you to not give in and back to the KH just to make your husband happy. What is going on here is more than it appears to be. If you lose your husband over differences of doctrine, what sort of man is he anyway?
Get yourself to a therapist. Get on anti-depressants, if need be. Talk to us on the board because you are not alone. We care for you very much. If your husband does decide to leave, good riddance. I am not trying to be uncaring when I tell you that it could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Yes, it will take some time to recover, but recover you will and be a stronger, even better, person for it.
I want you to call me anytime, day or night, if you need to cry or vent. It will be no bother to me if you do. I am strong and can help support you during this emotional time.
THIS TOO, NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT HURTS, WILL PASS. You may one day look back and be glad and grateful.
I love ya, and have sent you my number via private email.