How did JWs arrive at a clearer understanding of what the Bible teaches than other Christian denominations?

by slimboyfat 167 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iloowy.goowy

    Russell was an Egyptian freemason

    Sooo, where did you come up with any evidence to back up this nugget of conspiratorial BS?

    Look, FreeTheMasons, you should provide evidential proof fo such wild affirmations or stop pushing what amounts to be nonsense. It makes your posts look idiotically misguded.

  • peacefulpete


    It was a fad. Not making excuses for anyone, but stupidity is different than demonic conspiracy.

  • Duran
    you should provide evidential proof for such wild affirmations or stop pushing what amounts to be nonsense. It makes your posts look idiotically misguided.

    What else would you expect from someone that says we are currently in the GT. The UN is now the 8th king and is ruling for its 42-month authority. And that there will be no WW3, because 'The wars of Revelation are figurative, not literal.'

    Some people are just really delusional.

  • FreeTheMasons

    @peacefulpete said: pyramidology

    It was a fad. Not making excuses for anyone, but stupidity is different than demonic conspiracy.

    It was not a fad.

    Weaving paganism into a religion and labeling it "Christian" is not a fad. It is demonic. It is satanic. It was deliberate.

    It was not a fad.

    God destroyed the reputation of the idols of Egypt during the ten plagues. He destroyed the Egyptian army, including their "god" Pharaoh, at the Red Sea.

    Who would want to reintroduce any form of pyramidology/divination crap and mix it up with the Bible to ensnare Christians and corrupt their worship?

    Satan is the ruler of the world. He is the one who Charles Taze Russell was in bed with. CTR was a mason/sorcerer/satanist. He purposely wove those false doctrines into the religion, and Satan rewarded him with money and power over people.

    The leaders of the Watchtower today have also been willing to do "acts of worship" to the Devil in order to gain power and glory and money and people to abuse.

    Which is why they promote blood fractions while at the same time lying to the flock about blood fractions not being blood; which is why they claim to hate abuse but at the same time promote people who do CSA and defend them by means of disgusting "two-witness" rule that isn't scriptural; which is why they claim to be "Jehovah's Witnesses" while teaching things that God hates like the antichrist disfellowshipping doctrine and the divination based 1914 teaching.

    The Watchtower organization is a masonic organization. That is what masons do. They lie and build empires based on their "worship" of T.S.A.O.T.U.

  • peacefulpete

    I'm assuming you didn't read the link provided.

    In short, a failed prophecy in Isaiah 19 declaring Assyria and Egypt would convert to Yahwism and a 'stone' monument built to Yahweh in Egypt, and the publication of coded Pyramid measurements that seemingly contained scientific facts only God would have known, was all to coincidental to Russell's mind.

    His fascination was not unique, it was shared by other Adventists of the day.

  • FreeTheMasons

    Smyth went to the pyramid with Russell after Russell shared Russell's theories on pyramids.

    Did you read the old Watchtowers?

  • FreeTheMasons

    The "fascination" wasn't shared with other Christians. It was shared with other Egyptian esoteric freemasons.

    Freemasons build corrupt empires. That's what they do. The various religious institutions of Christendom were built by masons. That is why there are so many false doctrines in them.

    Leaders of the Catholics, Baptists, Adventists, LDS, JWs, etc - masons are satanists. They seek to take truth and corrupt it. They learned how to do it from the pharisaical leaders in apostate Jerusalem who infiltrated the early Christian congregation.

  • FreeTheMasons

    Freemasonry tradition views Egypt as one of their mothers, which is why Russell was so stuck on it, same as the GB today. "1914" doctrine was birthed from pyramidology.

    The current WT leaders are freemasons of the Egyptian esoteric tradition. They are not witnesses of Jehovah. They are two-faced satanists. (Nothing personal against "satanists" - the word "satanist" in this context means those who oppose truth or resist it.)

  • cofty

    SBF have you had a stroke?

  • peacefulpete

    I noticed you ignored the important bit about failed prophecy.

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