To you there may seem like no hope.
For them, they are practising Muslims and believe that by following the Shariah ( Islamic Law ) they shall see heaven.
And no, there is no comparrison between this and the Nazi's.
by ashitaka 47 Replies latest jw friends
To you there may seem like no hope.
For them, they are practising Muslims and believe that by following the Shariah ( Islamic Law ) they shall see heaven.
And no, there is no comparrison between this and the Nazi's.
But, if that really is the case, then maybe we should send the Big Boys in and kick some ass in order to 'liberate' the people.
Hamas, I see what you're getting at, but who do you think are happier, more satisfied? Those who are so restricted that they will be sent to die, rather than be near men, or those who can choose how orthodox they wish to be? Those poor girls burned alive (or died of smoke inhalation) because of gross negligence. Those in charge is strict muslim countries say they care about the sanctity of women, and this is why they "protect" them from the snares of life. Still, I think those women in more lax countries who do have freedoms, and have had to deal with the snares, will agree that snares are much better than death.
I feel sorry for your wife/girlfriend/female children Hamas. Do you still make them put a napkin on their head when they pray in front of you?
I don't make them, they want to do it.
And it's a headscarf.
I don't see why everyone os so surprised @ hamas' comments, after all, he does have the name of a terrorost organization as his username, an org. just yesterday that killed a sh*tload of people. Oh, I forgot, they're not terrorists, they're "freedom fighters".
Hamas represent the Palestinian men, women and children that die everyday to the hands of Israeli murderers; - Ariel Sharon and his army. If Hamas are terrorists, then so are Israel.
Hamas represent the struggle facing Palestinians.
But that is away from this subject, dear.
Hamas, you are just...................where the hell is the bitch-slap button on my keyboard????