Rejoice in Mecca

by ashitaka 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    Thanks for the advice,

    but it is like I said ; I'm not going to sit here and type all night trying to get my point across because somebody has questioned my knowledge. I don't need to prove to him the extent of my knowledge, but he needs to learn to shut up.

  • Aztec

    And here I deliberatly didn't come back and post on this thread cause I thought I was gonna lose it.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Good Grief Hamas!!!!!

    My monitor is smoking!!!!!

  • Yerusalyim


    The UN delegation looked into Jenin and found that only 57 died there. And it's not clear they were all innocent civilians. Israel is fighting for it's existence, Hamas, fighting NOT for a homeland, but to destroy Israel and kill Jews.


    Your statement above shows why with folks like you the only answer is kill all the Jews. You do the Arabs NO GOOD, and people like YOU are responsible for their suffering and deaths. Israel would not now occupy the West Bank and Gaza had the Arabs not used it as a place to launch attacks against Israel.

    Until the Arabs accept Israel's right to existence and takes active measures to combat the terrorists amongst them there will be NO PEACE. Your unwarranted hatred speaks volumes of the mentality the Jews have to deal with amongst the Arabs. Many, even most Palestinians don't agree with you, but are unwilling or unable to stop your ilk. Do ya get a woody when you see innocent Israelis die?

  • Hamas
    Hamas is fighting to destroy Israel

    Rightly so.

  • jelly

    <p>Every time I read a post by Hamas I think to the movie with Gene Wilder, the producers. I think of the crazy Nazi playwright = hamas.<br>


  • Aztec
    Hamas is fighting to destroy Israel

    Rightly so.

  • avishai

    Hamas, are you absolutely, positively SURE you're not jjrizzo????

  • Hamas

    This guy really does have a lasting legacy around these parts doesn't he !!!!!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Hamas is fighting to destroy Israel

    Rightly so.

    Ok, so now we're down to the nitty gritty. Hamas wants every man, woman and child Israeli dead or removed from Israel. So now they're down to fighting for their existence. What else can they do if Hamas doesn't want peace? They HAVE to fight back, they have no other choice, so I don't see why Hamas is complaining.

    They're just mad that the Jews won't lie down and be butchered. I use to lean a little to the Palestinian side of the peace process, but I really don't care anymore because I now see it that it will never be settled. The international community tries to solve the problem of Peace that I believe the majority of the people on both sides want, but it will never be because of the soul-less hatred of the minority. This only proves Golda Meir right when she said that Peace will only come when Palestinian mothers love their children MORE than they hate the Jews. I never see that happening.

    BTW, I keep hearing American Moslems on TV say that Christians and Jews are respected in their religion because they are people of the Book (Bible).... I keep hearing it, but apparently they are only words and really mean nothing to a lot of Moslems.

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