Rejoice in Mecca

by ashitaka 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    The Nazi's killed thousands of innocent people, which is illegal. They invaded other countries, which is also illegal. Comparing the Nazi's with countries that uphold Islamic law is foolish

    Hamas killed thousands of innocent people, which is illegal. They've crossed borders of another country, which is illegal, all they're doing is upholding Islamic Law.


    Israel targets terrorists and innocents get hurt, Hamas, targets innocents...PERIOD! Do ya see the damning difference?

    Palestine will know NO PEACE until the Palestinian people decide that they want a homeland that respects Israel's borders, it's right to exist, and it's right to security. Until Abu Mazen grabs his huevos and starts confronting the terrorist that are wrecking the peace process, the Palestinians will have NO HOMELAND. Sharon started to dismantle some of the illegal settlements in the "Occuppied Territiories", he released some of the Palestinian prisoners, and some of the funds meant for Palestine. In return Hamas and other terrorists groups said NO DEAL inspite of the agreement made by Abu Mazen. Then Mazen turns around and says he WILL NOT crack down on the terrorists. THEN three terrorist groups attack Israel...Israel responds...BIGGER attack killing 16 civilians and wounding 123 by Hamas, Israel responds by attacking the leadership of Hamas which hides like little girls under the skirts of the palestinian people. I'm sorry that innocent civilian Palestinians are dying. Blame Hamas and it's campaign of Terror and it's hiding under the skirts of Palestine like girls. Blame the Palestinians for allowing them to stay there. Blame the Israelis for wanting to feel safe and secure within their own borders.

  • Hamas

    Israel has NO right to exist. As a people, the Jews have no homeland; Israel as a country was created and taken away from the people that owned Palestine; the natural Arabs.

    Hamas have played right into Ariel Sharon's hands. They have immediately said no to any peace, which is exactly what Sharon wanted, so he could go out and kill more Palestinians. Sharon is a butcher and a war criminal, and I find it hard to believe that you support a nation that has an evil man like Sharon as head.

    The real people acting like little girls are the American funded Israeli army, going out with rage to destroy Palestinians, knowing full well that the Palestinians cannot fight back. This is why they must resort to acts such as the suicide bombing we seen the other day in Jerusalem. As for the accusation that the Palestinian leaders should dismantle these organizations, to ask them to do this without their own defence army is ridiculous. Ariel Sharon has been systematically dismantling the Palestinian Defence for over the past two years, which is why he knows FULL WELL that they have no capability to irradicate these Organizations from amongst them.

    Sharon has played this one very sly. Supporters of Israel should be ashamed to support a barbaric army, who kill innocent civilians everyday in their battle for Palestine.

  • ashitaka

    Personally, I think that Israel and Palestine are a couple of worthless warmongering nations. They won't stop until the other is dead. I mean, how many people did Isreal kill when they went into janin? and killed something like 500 civilians. The UN went there and everything.

    And, of course, the Palestinians are killing on a regular basis.

    I think that people are ignorant of the real issue. These are two nations bent on each others destruction. Now, the regular joes there, like you and me don't want that, but everyone with an agenda and a little bit of firepower want to cut the hearts out of their neighbors.


  • Abaddon

    Hamas, get a sex change and go live in Saudi for a year. Then I might be convinced you know what you're talking about.

    I notice you're still using the name of a bunch of civilian killers to post under. Nice. Why not use Stalin, Khymer Rouge, Chairman Mou or Hitler instead?

    Please don't come the growing up in ethnically mixed inner cities routine, been there, done that. And how much do you REALLY know about Isalm and Saudi? Or are you just jumping in in your self-elected roile as defender of the Arab world.

  • Hamas
    Then I might be convinced you know what you're talking about.

    Hey screw you, man.

    You know fuc* all about me, the environment in which I was raised, how much I know about Islam and Saudi or why I defend the Arab world. Don't even try implying that I don't know what I'm talking about you presumpteous fuc*.

    Don't attack me because I might have different ideas and opinions from yourself. If I chose to defend Islam or the Arab world, for whatever reasons, that is up to me. I'm not even going to try to convince you that I have even a slight knowladge of these things, I don't have to prove myself to you in any way.

    Don't ever attempt to question my knowladge or reasons behind it again, you know nothing of it, you ignorant fool.

  • ashitaka

    well then......

  • avishai

    1. Insulting, threatening or provoking language
    2. Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic.
    3. Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments.
  • Hamas


    And your point is?

  • avishai
  • avishai

    You're being reactve. Chill, man. It's lots harder to get your point across that way. Trust me, I know, i do the same thing, & it usually get's me nowhere. If you have a point, use statistics, use proofs of your point's. Tell him why you believe he is wrong. I don't agree w/ you, but I do agree w/ your right to argue & get your point across. If you really want people to listen, just popping off & dropping "f" bombs does'nt work so well. OK?

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