I appreciate the comments so far, and I sincerely did not start this thread to blast Proplog, or attack him as a person. But....... I so strongly disagree with his idea , and I know there are lurkers out there, and I feel that the stories of those who have lived thru this need to voice their opinions on this matter. In this way those who are suffering depression, the ones who are too afraid to post out of fear of man, or whatever other borg related issues, can see that there is a way out of the deep gloom and despair of depression. If a person who is reading this right now was thinking of suicide , I would hope they would take to heart what so many of us are saying. Don't let this religion, this cult suck the life out of you, you are worth so much more and you may not be able to see it thru the guilt, the shame , that the JW's put you thru. I can be sure that , that is not the way Jesus meant for his flock to be treated and it is a shame that the Elders so many times, take it upon themselves to tell people they don't need therapy, or they don't need antidepressants, but they should be praying more and studying more, more field service as a prescription, when that is so far from the truth. Depression is an illness as real as diabetes.
Shamus said something that made me think of my own situation. I have suffered from mood swings and depression all of my life , even before my mom killed herself.
About 6 years ago, I really wanted to die, I didnt want to kill myself in the way that I thought it out, I just wanted to go to sleep forever, but I didnt want to hurt anyone and I didnt want to leave my hub and children, but I did just suffer thru many years while a JW, feeling, guilt, shame , and like I let everyone down because I couldnt snap out of it, I couldnt feel better. I didnt want to go to meetings, service and I didnt want to hear them telling me I should do more.
If I would have stayed in that religion, I might not be here today. Plain and simple. It literally shakes me up to think what a strong hold that religion had on me, it was the only way I could identify myself , was with it. I based myself as a person on how much I was doing as a witness.
Since I have been out,,,,,,,,,,2 years, I still suffer from occasional mood swings and depression, that is just part of who I am. But I see it for what it is now, it is a physical problem not a spiritual one, and I dont hate myself for it anymore. I just go day to day learning to love myself, or at least get along with myself.......lol. and I know the days are getting better all the time.
I so badly wish all these poor souls who committed suicide had the chance that I did, to have gotten out of the borg and really been set free like Shamus said. Everyone deserves to be free.
Sabine,,,,,,, I remember you telling me this before, and I tell you I can not imagine the anger , the pain you must be feeling. I mean I love my mom, I miss her greatly,,,,,,,,,but it is nothing compared to how I feel about my precious children. I am just so very sorry that your daughter is gone. It is not fair, it is not right......... I swear to God,,,,,, I hope there is a Heaven ,an afterlife, just so you can be with your daughter again...... I really think there has to be something better out there, and maybe she and my mother are living in peace and are in a beautiful place , waiting for us.