You made a good effort Estee. I am not surprised at her reaction, but it's typicl for someone who is an active jw. I hope things do improve soon.
I talked to my daughter today
by ESTEE 51 Replies latest jw friends
Keep the faith your lovefor her will someday draw her back to youjust you wait and see never give up hope.
Estee,,,,, I am so sorry you daughter is so miserable and that you and she don't have the relationship that you could have.
I just want to tell her what a wonderful mother she has and to please, please never take that forgranted. I really feel sorry for both of you , it must be so hard to not be able to share your life with your daughter. I am glad we got out of the borg when we did, so maybe our kids will have the chance to never follow a cult like the JW's who have no real love.
The rosebush is a beautiful idea and I wish she knew what it represents to you. Your love and patience I hope one day soon will pay off and she will see all the wasted time and maked amends. The cult of JW , is a sick thing. But I am sure your daughter is just trying to do what she thinks is the thing to do.....even thou it isnt. Keep trying, keep being patience and never give up on her. You are a great mom.
You're doing the right thing. Never give up.
Your daughter is very fortunate that you were willing to risk her rejection in public no less to try to show your love for her and reach out to her. I am sure she knows how much you love her if nothing else this was a good reminder. However this probably was not an easy interaction for her either because she most likely loves you as well but is trying her best in her own way to live up to the standards set by the JW's. It's a "mom thing" to worry about kids even from a far but perhaps she was simply having an off day so try not to worry too much that she is not doing well. (easier said than done for a mom) When family that are JW's ask you to respect there boundaries about not contacting them it is a very hard thing to do (I know this) - but by not doing it they feel you are not allowing them to live life the way they need to in order to survive in the organization. Besides it could end up causing a lot of problems for her if another JW saw her with you. However I do think the idea of leaving flowers for her at work every so often is a lovely one...this way if she ever needs/wants to reach out to you she will know you have not closed the door. Wishing for you to one day have the type of relationship with your daughter that you desire and deserve.
Estee: I don't understand what benefit it is to shun your Mother. We knew a person in Southern Mo that had two disfellowshipped children and never shunned them. I just will never understand that.
My daughter didn't talk to me for over a year. She was a teenager and knew everything LOL She has since realized she knew a little but not everything.
I hope that your daughter comes around. Her guilt is making her stooped. I know I felt so bad when the witnesses made out as if she was a bad person.
Read Thunders poem on here called Justice in Hell it will make you smile
(((((((HUgzzzzz to you )))))))) Think of it as chess your moving across the board and seems to me your winning.
Hi Estee
You sound like a good mother and a nice person. I hope someday you get everything you want. It sounds like you have given your daughter the clear message that your door is open to her. That took some courage if you hate rejection as much as I do. Sorry there are discouraging things like this you have to deal with. My very best to you. GaryThe Way I See it
You are doing a beautiful thing in sending your daughter flowers. I am sure she knows deep-down that you love her, unfortunately it's the WTS conditioning that is holding her back from expressing her true feelings.
You're a great mum.
Oh, Estee. My heart goes out to you. What a wonderful, spiritual and loving person you are.
I came to this site by way of having an ex- daughter-in-law who went back into the dubs after having been df-ed ten years prior. Her appearance has changed so much since she has been back in. She looks like s***. Not only does she have that pallor you speak of, but her once-beautiful hair looks dead and she has gained an enormous amount of weight.
I feel for you because I have a seven year-old granddaughter. I am heartsick to see what has happened to her and my greatest fear is that she will soon be estranged from my son and me.
The very best wishes from my inner goddess to yours!!
I have this very strong feeling that this is not over and you need to keep doing what you are doing. Have patience - it might take a very very long time - but your daugther WILL see the love in you and will respond. Do not give up!
I wish so much that I had a mother that loved me as much as you love your daughter. I have a 5 year hold daughter now and just hope that I always show her the unconditional love like this.