We broached the counselor thing last night and he agreed. Which is a relief. Of course all that might change if he tells any elders he is seeing one. YOu know how they are about worldly shrinks.
LoveDubs, I hate to say it, but this guy has a bigger problem than just the religion: sounds like he's an alcoholic. It also sounds as though he's extremely verbally and emotionally abusive towards you. Anyone who tells their wife that they're "working for Satan" and that they're "going to be destroyed" is not "loving his wife as himself." He might be better than your last husband, but from what you described, that's not saying much. And yes, if the elders find out he's going to a marriage counsellor, especially with his "apostate" wife, they'll almost certainly tell him to stop and that you're trying to "weaken" his faith in the Borg.
My sister was also with someone who was abusive and who had a big drinking problem. Every time he screwed up, he'd promise he'd go for "help", but then when the time came, he backed out. She stuck with him for YEARS, even though I told her what a slimeball he was. I can almost guarantee that if you make an appointment to see a marriage counsellor, your husband will try and think of an excuse not go. And that's because he knows damn well that the Marriage Counsellor is going to point the finger at HIM for alot of the problems in your marriage, and he won't want to hear it. And of course, the religion issue will come up and he's not going to want to hear anything negative about that either.
Please think about this very carefully. Already your husband has won one of the arguments: you're getting rid of your "demonic" books. Is he going to get rid of any of HIS literature that bothers you? Please let us know what happens.