the 60 percent arabs refer to the entire area of israel. i am talking about the different districts however.
for the sake of god i cannot see how anyone can side with israel when confronted with these numbers.
the rest of the discussion is therefore unnecessary but here it goes anyway
Third, most of the Arabs there were immigrants just as the Jews were.
immigrants to their own land? thats an interesting interpretation!
Finally, you're beloved United Nations said so
first of all i consider the UN a complete joke and US puppet who either does what the US wants or gets ignored! (the resolutions against israel and the latest war are the best examples).
secondly the last map shows the original UN plan. so even if the origianl distribution was sanctified the subsequent occupation was NOT!
The Israelis accepted the offer though they got less than 4% of the arable land out of that deal.
do you have the statistics on that one? 4% ? where are the 96 remaining %? in the jordanian dessert?
israel got almost the entire coast line!
There would be no Jewish settlements in the "occuppied territories" if the Arabs had not used them to stage attacks against Israel from 1948 onward...the taking of that land was necessary if Israel were to have Peace.
oh please! just close the borders!
PS: and now it has peace? injustice and violence will always create new violence!
The Palestinians are also guilty of building illegal settlements...and have never been sanctioned for any of their attacks against Israel. If the Palestinians want peace, they must first control the terrorist element amongst them.
illegal settlements on their own ground? what kind of argumentation is this? i know you are not an idiot so please don't pretend to be dense!
this is an ethic war. unfortunately in israel radical zionists are in charge whose vision it is to annex the occupied territories and to get rid of the arabs. thats why they are building settlements on ARAB ground!
i agree that the arabs have to eliminate terror but the agressor (ISRAEL) has to make the first step. also the arabs need a new infrastructur and police force to control their territory. both was deliberately distroyed by israeli forces. europe has given millions of dollars to build these things and israel distroyed it.