Poll suggests world hostile to US

by Simon 203 Replies latest social current

  • shamus


    If only more were like you. When I criticize, I do so with the aim of making one better. However, some people just cannot take criticism. It's silly, and, like I say, let's not take it seriously at all. As if this board is going to change american policy....

  • onacruse
    In fact I'd bet that the majority of Americans can take it without freaking out.

    I've met very very few Americans that don't consider our privilege...nay, our obligation, to criticize American policy. In fact, as the title of this thread suggests, many die-hard Americans I know (including vets) are actually themselves hostile to some of the policies of the current administration; they see political opportunism and the "good old boy" game currently being played out in a big way.

    If we refuse to criticize ourselves for what we are, shall we therefore condemn others who dare criticize us for what we are?


  • drwtsn32

    Good point. It seems that a lot of Americans become overly sensitive when an "outsider" criticizes the US. But citizens can criticize the US without inciting rage (usually).

    Ah, another lovely double standard. It's good to have a few of those double standards... I miss having those things around since I've left the organization. Double and triple standards are abundant with the JWs.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Polls are good to talk about and foolish people think polls are the word of God. Polls can be easily manipulated just like statistics. It is done all the time in all walks of life. The gullible public will believe anything! Politicians bet their careers and life on them all the time. But then they "own" the big media circus.

    Most of the time the United states should keep their mouth shut and their nose out of other countries' business. That would take care of most of our problems. If someone screws with us (the US) we should just try to settle the matter the quickest way possible without killing.

    The sick truth: However, if that does not work, like I said before, God knows that some people MUST die. So, I am all for putting the fear of God into people that would do harm to us. After the first billion people perish, the rest of the world should know enough to leave the innocent people alone. If not, oh well! ---- Then it is my turn..........................

  • Jayson
    Most of the world is very alarmed at the US at the moment. Here we have a huge country, a super power that can actually defeat any other country or combination of countries in the whole world. Many of us feel threatened by this monolith with it's love of guns and it's love of capital punishment. It's almost as though civilised society is being threatened by the Wild Bunch. Many of it's citizens have no concept of a society outside of it's borders, nor will they show the slightest interest in anything that does not fit in with their own concepts of how life should be.

    by Englishman.

    The spirit that Simon likes to inflame is not one of the patriot. It is the bigot. Of course one can be a patriot if they oppose the government. That goes for America or anywhere. But the attitude that if you do not oppose and mistrust all governments you are a facist even if that government is answerable to it's citizens is a sign of JW like stupidiy.

    Comments like this of Eng which try to fly as being opposed to US administration is b s. And it is put forth by bs'ers. Simon's poll of 11,000 people in 11 nations flying as world opinion is also bull. I laughed when in the article they just dismiss the US pollings to aid the desired outcome. I'm not flying off the handle. I am not mad. I just wonder why Simon puts this propaganda crap up and then acts like he is a victim. If he has such a passion for it all maybe he should go to work for the BBC or some other Arab news source. In fact I'm sure the Watchtower is taking applications.

  • little witch
    little witch

    We can criticize all we want, we live in this country and pay for it's upkeepl You don't. Any questions?

    BTW, if you have any sense of pride at all, where are you from? Oh, the football avatar was more important. Or was it a good way to avoid criticism?????

  • larc

    Hi, boys and girls,

    I see you all have been having fun. Can I come in and play in your sand box?

    Like Yeru, I really don't care what other people think of us. The survey does not tell us anything new. We have known this for a very long time.

    I also don't care to know much about other countries either, unless I get the chance to visit one, and then I will educate myself about said country. Hell, I don't even care about what happens in the next state over from me, which is as big as some countries, again unless I plan to spend considerable time in said state.

    If I want to hear criticisms of my country, I will listen to George Carlin and Dennis Miller, two bright American comedians who know of what they speak.

    What do I think of the people of other countries? In most cases, I couldn't comment, because I know little or nothing about them. The exception is the French. I have met a few of them in my country and I don't like them. So, if they don't like me and my kind, well, it is mutual. Oh, one other exception. I do like Canadians. I have met them and liked them.

  • onacruse


    Hell, I don't even care about what happens in the next state over from me, which is as big as some countries, again unless I plan to spend considerable time in said state.

    LOL...that reminds me of (Oregon) Governor McCall's (in)famous "welcome" to Californians--

    Please come and visit...but DON'T stay.

    You're right; this country is so big, we hardly even get to know (or, often, even care to know) much about what's happening in the next county over, much less the next state.

    Except!...(and this is a big Except!)...when it comes to taxes.


  • Simon

    I'm sorry if some have chosen to take this post as an attack on them or were offended by it.

    It is simply a poll that I thought was interesting about what the rest of the world thinks about or views America but despite having generally negative opinions of what the country does, the majority of people do not hate Americans.

    I believed it was relevant and topical given the recent debate about America and Americans and the war and it was part of a programme on the BBC tonight about the worlds view of America.

    I do find some peoples obession with taking offence a bit tiresome and I get the impression that they have not read the post properly and just scanned the words "America ... dislike" before they go off on one. It was not critical of America or the American people.

    I did not make up the poll. It was conducted on behalf of the BBC and represents the views of those around the world. As such, you can dismiss it if youthink they are wrong or mistaken but it is how they think and what they feel. If you really don't like people thinking that then asking "why" and doing something about it is going to do a lot more than attacking and making dismissive comments along the lines of "we're the only ones that matter" IMHO

    So, again, apologies for those who misunderstood this topic. It was not an attack and I can't help if you have chosen to treat it as one. I thought it was an interesting and current topic.

  • StinkyPantz

    Dr. Watson-

    Criticism is fine, but some people feel the need to bring up America's shortcomings at every avenue. It gets old.


    Stinkypantz: stop brownnosing Simon. You were right on in your first couple of posts and then you started backpeddling. He always lets people back on after he deletes them, sort of like God.

    I apologize for chickening out, but I know that if I disagree too strongly with Simon I'll get kicked off. Not fair, but it's reality and I am ashamed.


    The funny thing is, I DO feel the need to defend America because it is my homeland. Of course I don't agree with everything our gov't does, but I'll defend it as well as I can. Why is this being childish? Mostly, I have noticed that lately when Simon posts anything that's obviously or loosely veiled anti-American, he allows free reign on America bashing. It's baiting however you want to look at it.


    I'd like to comment on this my dearest Simon:

    I do find some peoples obession with taking offence a bit tiresome
    It's seems to me if this was the case, you'd stop starting threads where you know many of your American posters will be offended. These threads are just as tiresome IMHO. OR, maybe if you gave equal time to other country's policies it wouldn't seem like you're picking on Americans.

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