Poll suggests world hostile to US

by Simon 203 Replies latest social current

  • Englishman
    You're absolutely right. The majority of foreigners would kill to have the chance to live here.

    Then how come they always come to us?

    Seriously Teejay, most Europeans don't want to take up permanent residence in the US. Several members of my family have been offered lucrative work commitments over there and, after much thought, chosen not to go.


  • teejay
    I always start with the best intentions and aganist the better judgement of my missus, end up posting topics like this. It is not because I want to 'have a go', it's just a topic I am passionate about and something that worries me (the future world for my kids).


    I have a confession to make: I didn't read your initial post. When I saw the title, I immediately thought of two things. First, I thought about the guy who was banned from the board for ranting about Jews all the time. Remember him? He had a pet subject--couldn't help talking about the same thing over and over and over (although nobody else seemed to have much interest)--and you seem to have one, too. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of your post. The second thing I thought: "Envy!"

    Ya know... there's nothing wrong with pointing out the ways that America (IMO the best country in the world today) can be even better. As a citizen of the country for more than forty years, I can attest to the fact that improvements can be made. Without going into detail, how can people over here or over there expect perfection among a collection of imperfect people.

    Question: since I didn't it, could you answer a quick question for me? How many of the people who participated in the poll have actually been to America? For those who have visited, how many have lived here for more than a month or seen the country as more than tourists? And is there a question in the poll that asks the participants if they would visit America, given the chance? And if so, how did the majority respond?

    Just curious.

  • cowhand

    Englishman - "Why do they all seem to come to us?" Indeed!

    Winchester, by the way - out in '82

  • teejay
    Seriously Teejay, most Europeans don't want to take up permanent residence in the US. Several members of my family have been offered lucrative work commitments over there and, after much thought, chosen not to go. -- Englishman

    I understand, E-man, and your relative's refusal to go abroad to work is perfectly normal. Did they turn down the job offer because they hated America or because they heard bad things about it? I doubt that had anything to do with their decision. They just didn't want to leave home, that's all! What's so hard to figure out about that? You'd have to offer me a ton of money to leave this country for a job. Hear me? A TON of money. I don't want to live ANYWHERE else.

    My point was simply that most of the people who took part in the poll have never lived here. They base their opinions on America (and most other things, I'd imagine) on what they read or what other people tell them. Too many Americans do the exact same thing. Since I know that people who bash America most likely have never even been here, what sense is there in me getting bent outta shape? None. I can say negative things all day long about China but why should the Chinese get all upset?

  • Englishman
    They just didn't want to leave home, that's all! What's so hard to figure out about that? You'd have to offer me a ton of money to leave this country for a job. Hear me? A TON of money. I don't want to live ANYWHERE else.

    Superbly stated, Teejay and very accurate.


  • Abaddon

    teejay; Yes teejay, most non-Americans would kill to live in America. Is Hyperbole before or after the Superbowl?

    If you're talking about much of the developing world, then no contest, they'd probably be eager to move to the USA, Canada or some European or Antipodean country.

    But us Europeans are generally quite happy where we are, and safer.


    Sorry Yeru, I've asked you several times for your opinion of US sponsored terrorist activity. I believe you once responded 'what activity', and ignored other occasions.

    Maybe you missed my posts in the shuffle of threads. I presume as you are 'not a rabid cultist supporters of the United States' that you do accept that the USA's problems with foreign policy extend far far back, and have included interfering with and/or supporting revolutionary or counter revolutionary groups in pursuit of American strategic aims. Try talking to someone from Greece!

    As this is the case, you reaction;

    " I'll say it again...the World is Hostile to the US? SO WHAT. The world's been wrong more than once."

    ... is incomprehensible, as the World knows the USA plays fast and loose in its own interests as regards foreign policy. Whilst most countries will do this if they can get away with it, the USA by benefit of size and power gets away with it more often.

    But as the USA acts this way, it seems much of the World has reason to be hostile or at least very cynical regarding the USA, and that this opinion is valid and supported by history.

    If the USA is happy for the world to see them in that fashion, fine, history will go one way. If the USA want to lead by GOOD example, then many more people would be far happier about the next twenty years.

    How do you think the USA can best restore the loss of confidence American foreign policy has generated?

  • DannyBear

    Talk about "a waste of bandwidth"............

    Reality check. Most of you who adamantly like to assert your right to critisize America, ought to be reminded that your ability to do so freely without the sharp end of a swastika encrusted night stick up your butt, was insured and paid for by the 'fast and loose' blood and guts of America and its son's and daughter's.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Amerikins need to get over they're bad selves.

  • Simon

    I find the comments about people not having a fair opinion of the USA interesting.

    I think most people's opinions are more concerned with what the USA does abroad to them and not so much how it functions internally. Given that, whether someone has or hasn't visited or lived there does not affect or trivialise their opinion of America.

    In the same way, lots of us have opinions of other countries such as Iraq but I doubt many have been there (and I don't count benig part of an invading army as geting to know what a country is like!)

  • teenyuck
    How do you think the USA can best restore the loss of confidence American foreign policy has generated?

    Have you thought of applying for a diplomatic post? You really should take it up. You would be brilliant at it. Seriously, I mean that. You do have all the answers....

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