My heart is breaking...

by Billygoat 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    LOL@Joy, you know, they do kind of favor them.

  • rocketman

    Andi, I think you're helping her already just by caring so much for her and being a great friend.

    As far as her romantic life goes, sometimes great things happen just when you decide that you're going to be 'single' - like your own example. Sometimes, it all comes together when you least expect it or aren't really even trying. Something similar happened for Harmony recently, as you know. Maybe your friend is going to have a turn of luck soon - she certainly deserves a break to go her way.

    But as other posters have said too, the thing is, you are helping her just by being her friend.

  • myself

    Andi, if your friends depression is apparent to all that she is in contact with it may be part of the problem.. Some people don't know how to handle those with depression and tend to avoid them. It may be part of the reason she hasn't hooked up with someone. Keep being there for her. Hopefully she will resolve herself to move on...... and thats when someone unexpectedly usually comes along.

  • nowisee

    tell her from me -- and i am one who has been there many many times --

    that when there is a huge loss in your life, yes, you do need to grieve it, cry, whatever.

    but usually those losses are for the express purpose of freeing you -- because something better IS coming!!

    best wishes, nowisee

  • jgnat

    billygoat - from the World Guinness Record Holder in Waiting Too Long, I can tell you that this, too is survivable. Consider Mouthy, a Grandma a thousand times over, who mourns over the loss of her natural children. A warm, generous woman will find her way to give. And she will receive back buckefuls more than she can give out. Love and generosity cannot be hidden under a barrel, endometriosis be damned.

    I found a great deal of comfort in Isaiah 54:1-5, perhaps your friend can benefit from it as well.

    ...and as far as two-timing men are concerned, they are a dime a dozen. She can thank God that she found out BEFORE she married him. Acres more sadness in marrying a jerk.

  • bluesapphire

    Andi, this is such a sad post. Unfortunately, we can't fix things in people's lives. Sometimes not even in our own. I'm sure you already told her she's lucky she didn't end up with that loser, right.

    Another thing: 15 years ago I was diagnosed with a severe form of endometriosis. Two years later I gave birth to my daughter. Then I was told I couldn't have any more. I got pregnant and they said it was an ectopic pregnancy and they wanted to terminate. When they went in, they found out I had an ovarian cyst, not an ectopic. I was pregnant with my twin daughters. They said I wouldn't be able to carry them. I did for 7.5 months. They're perfect! Then two years ago I was told I had to have a hysterectomy. A year after that I got pregnant. They said I wouldn't go full term. I went for 8 months! Now I have a four month old son! So your friend should always get a second opinion. They're not always right the first time.

  • Brummie

    I'm sorry for your friend Billy but glad she has you around to support her. Not all men are like the dropout she has lost, in the long run she may realise he didnt deserve her anyway. I hope she gets through the process of hurt soon.

    My sister has endometriosis. She went through a tough time for 8 years trying to concieve a child, after 8 years she finally became pregnant and was very overprotective of her unborn child, however she lost him half way into the pregnancy. After many tests and worries they where about to start her on a medication that people with this take over a six month period its inhaled through the nose, on final examination just before starting the treatment it was discovered that she was pregnant again. This time she had a girl and later had a boy, both healthy and adorable. There is a lot of hurt in this life Billy, but its not without its joys, her turn for joy will come around and you will be able to share that with her too.

    Your a good freind to have


  • Shakita

    Billygoat, what a fantastic friend you are.

    Has your friend thought about adoption? Even single women are able to adopt. Your friend sounds like she is financially secure....can she provide a secure and nurturing environment for a baby? Many children are brought up in a one parent household today, and they grow up healthy and happy. Just a thought.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Billygoat

    Thanks you guys! I am so humbled by the amount of love and concern you show towards someone you don't even know. Thank you so much. I did receive an email from Elizabeth late last night and it sounds as though she's doing better. I know her pain isn't gone, but perhaps she is coping better than yesterday afternoon. It was so obviously a tough day for her.

    Brummmie and Blue - I can't thank you enough for the child-bearing stories you've shared of women who've suffered endometriosis. Thank you, thank you! I hope at the appropriate time I can share them. It gives me hope that someday she will bear lots of babies. I know adoption is an option for her. Her older sister was adopted, so it's something that isn't foreign and she understands what a blessing it would be. Neil and I are planning to adopt one day and we have several friends that have done it as well. It's around her a lot so I think it's something she's considered seriously. She just wants children...I don't think where they come from matters. But she would like to give them the benefit of having a father, which I think is admirable and understandable.

    I love you guys. I cried all night last night and was exhausted - falling asleep at 9:30 or so. I just hate seeing my loved ones in pain. I don't know if you realize how special you are to me!


  • Brummie
    I cried all night last night and was exhausted

    Billy, Seldom can someone find a friend who can empathise so deeply and walk that extra mile, your friend has a lot to be thankful for with you around.


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