Has your friend ever considered trying to meet someone on the Internet? I have two friends who did that and they both now are happily married.
My heart is breaking...
by Billygoat 23 Replies latest jw friends
BG, sorry to hear about your friend. Men can be such Jerks!
Please tell your friend not to give up on having children in the future. I too had endometriosis, and have three children. I was in and out of the hospital every two years to get laproscopies done and different other procedures. After each procedure, within six months I was pregnant, so please give her some good news, that you can have a child if you suffer with endometriosis.
Billygoat sorry to hear that you are so sad about your friend, you have such a heart that it doesnt surprize me at all that this is hurting you so bad.
I know all the things you said that are going on in her life are the things that are hurting her, I am sure that she feels lonely, even thou I am sure she has girlfriends.
Do you think she may also have clinical major depression? I mean with a chemical imbalance going on, and it can make her problems even more magnififed and her self esteem go to zero.
Maybe if you think she needs help in that area, you can suggest she goes to her doctor or someone to talk to.........You know I am always so worried that someone is going to get so lonely, so sad, so depressed( even if they don't realize they are depressed, even very educated people don't see it in themselves),,,,,,that they may lose the will to live,,,,,,I dont mean to scare you , but I just worry about people like that too.
My sister is married to a man , who is very controlling and the light has gone out of her eyes. I can't do anything about it. I think it has gone on so long , she is now going thru a physical depression, not only related to the events in her life, but she has lost the joy of even eating. It breaks my heart to see he so dead acting,,,,,,,,,she has no life, she is lonely, and I don't know what I can say to her , that I havent already said.
Like you I guess just being there is the best we can do as friends and family. But I am keeping my eye on my sister and I am going to take action if I see her getting any further down.
Billygoat, you are just a wonderful person,,,,,,,,,, where do you hide your wings? Love ya girl, Dede
I totally agree.