Dodgy backstory, atrocious use of footnotes, unnecessarily graphic and dull. That was before you get to the part where he won’t stop talking about being found in a “compromising” position with a Christmas tree after he fell drunk.
"exjws" and money making Ponzi schemes.
by Thisismein1972 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
LOL @ Las Malvinas son Argentinas!
Where is the 2000 sales figure from?
Sales ranks look pretty good on all pages.
At £20 new it's not cheap, and 2000 sales already at that price doesn't seem bad at all. But I wonder whether the optimum price may have been a bit lower. Maybe £10 to £15.
Anyone can write a book on any subject they like and charge whatever they like. It's up to others whether they buy or not.
I find it annoying that some people think work should be given away free. Or that writing is not real work.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
He said it sold less than 2000 on his FB page. He was asking for CVs of potential translators and some asked how much he was paying. He said since it sold less than 2000 copies in English it wasn’t economically feasible to pay translators.
Oh right, that's a bit of a cheek, asking others to work for free when he expects to be paid himself.