First of all, huge Marvel comics fan, been waiting like forever for them to start making cool movies based on my favorite comics. Not that X-Men and Spiderman were perfect films, but so much better than lame 70's tv shows or Saturday morning cartoon versions.
Well, I loved X-Men the movie...and they didn't have to use a cheesy CGI character for that! Those heros were all real actors--albeit ENHANCED with graphics. I didn't even mind Spiderman...I kinda liked it actually!
If you're making a comic book--make a comic book. If you're making a live action film--make a live action film. Otherwise it looks totally unbelievable. Good science fiction/fantasy always has the element of believability.
The previews make it look like some kind of silly Roger Rabbitish combo between the real world and the cartoon world. (Roger Rabbit was a good film, but it was supposed to be ABOUT cartoons).