Then why do some animals also mate w only one mate for life? Even some termites mate monogamously. Why is it that some animals, the minority were given this divine institution by god, but to other animals god gave poligamy, and temporary shack up for fertilisation purposes only? In some species, the male leaves and the female raises the young all by herself. In others, the male sticks around and helps. In one species (spider), the male becomes food for the female he impregnated. God is such a joker. Or, are some animals divine, and some satanic?
Also, the sex drive is totally animal based. That is, it's coded in our dna, same as it is in chimps. If we ceased being partly animal, then we would die off.
Conclusion: monogamous heterosexual marriage is just a refinment and limitation of an animal drive. Marriage was imposed to bring more order to civilisation. God had nothing to do w it.