Have you ever read the scripture that says "when a man kills an animal he restores another?
I too am not familiar with this scripture.
by Satanus 39 Replies latest social current
Have you ever read the scripture that says "when a man kills an animal he restores another?
I too am not familiar with this scripture.
SS - Well said and, in my opinion, completely true.
If God had anything at all to do with the establishment of marriage, then the injunction in the marriage ceremony: "What God has linked together let no man put asunder" would produce permanent marriage every time with no exceptions.
The fact that fully half of all marriages end in divorce is prima facie evidence that God had nothing to do with the establishment of marriage, and never has had anything to do with it. Marriage is wholly a human invention, albiet marriage is humanly sacred.
WE have made it so. Not God.
Humans are not 'naturally' mongamous;
These findings show that the sexual laws in the Bible were designed by someone ignorant of human biology.
Hey Xena; so, how often do guys say "eat me"?
albiet marriage is humanly sacred.
WE have made it so.
Along that line, sex can be sacred, maybe more so than marriage. By that i mean that any sex w the right emotions and attitude at the moment can be spiritual. Eh, mr kinsey? ;)
Abbadon, would you mind trying again on your third bullet? That information is not very clear. I'm not sure who has what sized balls and why.
SS - Of course
Monogamy (for life or shorter term) in the animal kingdom is usually closely tied to the amount of time and effort it takes to raise young. The more helpless the young and the longer it takes to get them to adulthood, the more likely the father will stick around and help. Otherwise, his genes will not live to go on. (this is not to imply that the males of those species understand this, but that natural selection has, over the generations, favored those males who stay to help raise young, where this is necessary)
Or, are some animals divine, and some satanic?
Sex among animals has no "moral" judgement...it's just procreation. Some people think sex between humans is that way, too.
Francois; it's a pleasure to talk balls with you!
Dominant male gorillas have exclusive harems of females. Their sperm is the only sperm in their ladies. Thus they don't need a lot. Thus they have small balls.
Female chimps generally copulate with as many male chimps as they possibly can when they are fertile (although sometime they do go off in the woods with some swarmy chimp whoses given them food and played with their baby). This means that the lady chimps have a LOT of sperm swimming around. To increase the chance of getting their sperm to the head of the queue, male chimps have huge balls and lots of sperm.
Humans have medium sized balls.
From this we can infer that ancestral human males couldn't presume on exclusive access to a female, but didn't have to have their sperm compete in a gang bang either. If monogamy is not what we have biological adatation for, monogamy would seem to be a wholey cultural innovation, and nothing to do with god. If god had meant us to be mongamous, human males would have small balls.
Great post SS. Good questions. I never thought about that before, although I have often wondered about similar questions.
Then why do some animals also mate w only one mate for life? Even some termites mate monogamously. Why is it that some animals, the minority were given this divine institution by god, but to other animals god gave poligamy, and temporary shack up for fertilisation purposes only? In some species, the male leaves and the female raises the young all by herself. In others, the male sticks around and helps. In one species (spider), the male becomes food for the female he impregnated. God is such a joker. Or, are some animals divine, and some satanic?
Last night on the show Walking With Cavemen it told how the dominant alpha male of the tribe got all the babes. If this is true, we were really owe Bill Clinton an apology for jumping all over him for the Lewinsky affair.
Subjecting your info to the wt's claims of being able to discern what normal sex is, based on how we are designed, i would say that guys w small balls were designed to be monogamous, guys w medium sized balls basically monogamous w some fooling around on the side. Guys w big balls are designed by god to be gang bangers
SS hahahahahaha