Pontification mode: ON
I would agree that it's generally good to respect another's right to believe anything they want, but not necessarily the belief(s) themselves. But even that's not an absolute.
Should anyone be required to respect someone's "right" to believe that people of a different religion, ethnic group, race, nationality, or whatever, are beneath them and should be exterminated? What sane person would believe the Nazis had the "right" to believe that the Jews were the root of all evil and therefore should be rounded up and killed? What balanced person would believe ISIS has the "right" to believe the wholesale slaughter of "infidels," the destruction of cultural monuments that predate their theology by thousands of years, and the disgusting practices of "thighing" babies and violating prepubescent sex slaves are all justified because they have the "one true religion"?
Even if one conceded that people have some "right" to believe absolutely anything they want, that would not translate as any "right" to impose those beliefs on anyone else and certainly not to act on those beliefs if it harmed or even infringed on the rights of anyone else.
I reject what I see as the myth that all beliefs are equally worthy of respect. I do not accept that all religions are equally worthy of respect. Or that all cultures are equally worthy of respect. Some of all the above, or at least certain aspects thereof, are so far beneath human dignity that they deserve only derision and total rejection by society as a whole.
Pontification mode: OFF
Resuming normal operations.
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