Yes Minimus I smoke. Trout mostly but salmon is also wonderful. Many meats are very tastey with some hickory or maple flavoring. Bacon is highly recommended. Are you looking for recipes?
Do You Smoke???
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
Yup I smoke. Got a light?
I started smoking before I left the cong. I was in @ the age of 15. I still smoke cigs, but I really want to quit, as for smoking any other tobacco I know that some Native American Tribes use tobacco as a form of prayer, or in conjunction with prayer to carry the words to the heavens.
As for herb (mary jane), heck yes. It's the only thing to smoke. But just like anything, in moderation. I think that's the biggest problem with smoking anything, it's really hard to balance physical cravings and such.
I just smoke a little Mary Jane every now and then...
Used to smoke cigars until my brothers father-in-law got tongue cancer from it, and had his tongue cut out. True story.
Only Cuban Cigars now and then
Every once in a great while I'll smoke a cigarette while I am drinking. That is only if I am around a friend who smokes.
I smoked pot for a very brief period. I may do it again, in a safe social setting only. The last time I did it was maybe six months ago. I took a few hits at an old friend's house, it didn't do much for me though.
I would never make it a habit.
LOL @ Englishman's comment.
I used to be a pretty heavy cigarette smoker, but I quit. I started not long after my DFing just to be rebellious. I loved it! Relaxing! Quit a few years later quite by accident. Enjoyed it too much to give it up on purpose. It's been about 8 years since I quit and I still crave it. Especially after a big fat meal. The smell of a freshly lit ciggie still smells good to me, but I know if I started up again I'd hate myself. I hate the stale smell of smoke on my smoker friends/family. Yuck.
Used to smoke cigars until my brothers father-in-law got tongue cancer from it, and had his tongue cut out. True story.
Way way back before the JWs forbid smoking, my father smoked a pipe. He got LIP cancer and had to have his entire bottom lip removed! They made him a new lip so it isn't noticable but you can see a scar where they stitched his chin together after his lip was gone.
Never smoked, and never had the desire to do so.
Welcome aboard micah2332. I agree. If you must smoke, at least mix it with something green.... But it does require a lot of self control not to end up wasted all day. One or two after my evening meal is the best time to kick back and chill. Any more and I end up acting (and looking) like an extra from a George A Romero movie!