Do You Smoke???

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Yes. Pipe, cigars and cigs. All excellent.


  • aunthill

    Quit a 2 1/2 pack a day habit in 1969, cold turkey, to become a Witless. I'm with KGB, it's the 2nd best thing I ever did for myself, with the first best being receiveing Christ as Lord and Savior, 5 years ago.


  • Francois

    Yeah ah did. And still do. But don't want to. I'm down to about six a day and I only smoke the first half inch and then toss it.

    I figure I've smoked at least a boxcar full of the noxious weed from Columbia. Then I became Jesus. For a little while at least.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Nope - allergic to them.

    I have tried them and choke myself silly

    I can smell a Player's anywhere. Don't have to see it or even know someone is smoking it. My eyes strt to water and I start sneezing. Within a minute I am choking. When I look around I can almost always find the smoker and see the pack of cigs. Other brands don't bother me as much

    My father was a Player's man - 3-4 packs a day for 60 years. - it killed him

  • aarque

    I lived next door to my great uncle and would follow him around all the time. He smoked Camels, and one day lit one up, then put it down and went off to do something. I wanted to be just like Uncle Joe, so I picked up the cigarette and took a puff. There must be fifty million shades of green because I turned every shade. I was 4 years old at the time...and it cured me for a lifetime!

  • Scully

    I've never smoked or even had the desire to smoke. I'm too frugal and it just seems as though I may as well take dollar bills and light them on fire.

    I can always find much better things to spend my money on.

    Love, Scully

  • hoodwinked

    2 and a half years and counting. Quitting that garbage was the best thing I ever did! I could never imagine doing it again. Just the smell makes me gag .

    Thanks Jehovah's Witnesses!


  • asortafairytale

    I had two cigs when I was 14. It was MORE than enough to make me never do it again! About a year ago, I smoked marijuana, got very high, and threw up all over a trampoline. Mood killer! I haven't done that since.


  • Mac

    I have a very low tolerence for cigarette smoke......or the residual stench of those who do engage in it habitually. I am a bit of a hypocrite though, as I do infrequentlly smoke a pipe or cigar, but feel the need to change and shower afterward!!!!!!!


  • yxl1

    Only MJ in the evenings when the kids are asleep....

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