Another New Rule-----You Can't Record Prayers at the District Convention

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Actually, I would think that many women have heard women give prayers. I almost always took another sister on my Bible studies so that meant some woman had to say the prayer. I always carried a nice scarf because I was assigned to handle the group 2 days a week. If questioned by my student, I always said it was out of respect for the angels that might be there. Kids loved it.


  • drwtsn32

    I bet the main reason prayers are not to be recorded at conventions is because they are the only part that is not completely scripted. They don't want to be held responsible for a brother saying the wrong thing.

    And why couldn't audio be recorded when you toured Bethel?

  • Swan

    Some obsessive repulsive compulsive individuals insisted on taping everything and got after you if you moved too much, coughed, or did something else that would interfere with the quality of the recording. I actually hated to listen to recorded talks. I hated it when someone loaned my mother so-and-so's "fine" talk because that meant 1. I would have to listen to it, 2. she would want me to copy it on my stereo (it had two tape units, stupid me), and 3. she would want me to copy it to give to others. blaeak! At least most of these did not include the song and prayer. I hated it even more when they did.


  • Sunnygal41

    Blondie, your most recent info is from '93KM, which could be ANCIENT history by JDUB standards now, considering how they flip flop on stuff~but when I was still in, it was a no no, at the KH, and at the Conventions, and that was after 93.


  • minimus

    Terri, don't challenge Blondie. She usually is right on with the most current, latest info. I put my money on her.

  • Jourles

    Nothing was said at the DC I attended. I have known of people in the past who shut off their recording devices right before the songs and prayers simply because they only want the 'meat' of the program, not the fluff.

    And why couldn't audio be recorded when you toured Bethel?

    I've never heard of that one. When we toured all of the Bethel facilities, camcorders runnin', no one from Bethel ever said we had to mute the audio.

  • ozziepost

    My own experience with Service Dept is that it has always been thus - prayers may not be recorded. The Society take the view that the prayer is not part of the spiritual feeding program itself. So, as far as downunder is concerned, there's nothing new in not recording the prayers.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • minimus

    Read Blondies posts from the WBTS, Oz.

  • ozziepost

    Firstly, KMs are not always uniform throughout the world, despite what the R&F believe. A case in point is the use of instructions given in the Announcements, which allows for local "flavour". There are also supplements, or inserts, in the KM which are local.

    Secondly, note the wording. Whenever you see the word "some" you know that this is as good as a 'nudge and a wink' to the R&F.

    I stick by what I've said.


  • drwtsn32
    I've never heard of that one. When we toured all of the Bethel facilities, camcorders runnin', no one from Bethel ever said we had to mute the audio.

    It was a big deal when we were there in 1995. I don't know, maybe they've changed their viewpoint. It seemed stupid that you could record video but not audio.

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