Running into witnesses who don't know me make my day. My act gets better with every encounter. I usually just stick with refuting 1914 as it makes no sense from any perspective. They may not agree when they leave but I know they're thinking about it.
When You See a JW Do You Get Flustered?
by minimus 104 Replies latest jw friends
I wonder what the modern-day counterpart of it is
If I were to ask a Mormon what the modern-day counterpart of early Christianity is, he would say, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
And he would use the exact same reasoning, the exact same examples and the exact same scriptures as you. (I grew up within walking distance of one of their temples, so I'm not just speculating here..)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect you would not accept that answer and I suspect the reasons would largely be doctrinal and/or historical in nature.
Tom Harley
"Tom, honestly, you're a waist of time. So far, you've been dancing around the issues presented to you without asking questions that truly matters."....Stephanie
Come now, Stephanie. The whole site is a waste of time, as is Facebook, as is Twitter. It is a diversion at best. I mean, I hope this is not anyone's daily bread.
And I have answered questions. I've just not allowed myself to be cross-examined as in a jury trial. Moreover, after I answer some questions, people continue to ask them. Blondie carries on at great length with things she thinks will trap me. But I have already answered her, several posts ago: we changed that.
I’ve tried to be polite. I’m merely here to represent a different point of view. Ostensibly, I am welcomed, but I don’t think it is for real. Certainly, the blogmaster has not chained up Outlaw, and he is a major di$traction, always$ nipping at my heel$, supplementing his bite$ with in$ulting graphic$. Alright, I get it, he think$ our people $hould $ub$i$t on honeycomb$ and locu$t$.
It was an experiment. I wasn’t sure how a regular Witness would be welcomed here. Now I have a better idea. Someone says that sometimes current Witnesses stop by, but they only stay a week and go. Perhaps you could ask Outlaw why that is. Same here, perhaps it is time to move on. I hope there will not be echoes of ‘what a coward he was for running,’ like the taunt from the Monty Python Black Knight.
Tom Harley: The whole site is a waste of time, as is Facebook, as is Twitter. It is a diversion at best. I mean, I hope this is not anyone's daily bread.
Actually, no. This site is not a waist of time. And when I think about it, Facebook is not a waist of time either. Through various meaningful exchanges on this site, I have changed my outlook on life! On Facebook, I can see pictures of my distant cousins.
I've just not allowed myself to be cross-examined as in a jury trial.
You are obviously missing the point of being here: To challenge your ideas. And the only way to do this truthfully is to cross-examine yourself and everyone and everything on this site. That's what seeking the truth truly means.
The more you talk the more you sound like that pharisee! Thank you lord that I am not a sinner like these xJWs.
Someone says that sometimes current Witnesses stop by, but they only stay a week and go. Perhaps you could ask Outlaw why that is.....Tom Harley
No Problem Tom!..
There are some JW`s who get along just fine here..
Then we get the odd Assh*le who starts out, by attacking other posters.
Outlaw says JWs do not concern him since they just stand around literature carts. He then ridicules those who do it, even inserting a $ sign where it doesn't belong, implying someone is making a buck off the cart's contents, when in fact, they are giving it away..
Okay, Outlaw has shown himself to be an assassin nutjob..
The trouble with any hate group is that they feed upon themselves.
Apostates try to reframe this to suggest there would be no pedophilia problem without Jehovah's Witnesses.....Tom Harley
When they can`t handle the results of the problems, they`ve gone out of their way to create..
This happens..
perhaps it is time to move on. I hope there will not be echoes of ‘what a coward he was for running,’ like the taunt from the Monty Python Black Knight.....Tom Harley
I’ve tried to be polite. I’m merely here to represent a different point of view. Ostensibly, I am welcomed, but I don’t think it is for real. Certainly, the blogmaster has not chained up Outlaw, and he is a major di$traction, always$ nipping at my heel$, supplementing his bite$ with in$ulting graphic$. Alright, I get it, he think$ our people $hould $ub$i$t on honeycomb$ and locu$t$.
Don't worry about it. Outlaw's forum persona is a bit like that cousin that's a little bit dim that everyone ignores. He's good at posting pictures but I can't recall him ever posting anything actually worth reading.
Welcome BTW.
Look Tom this place is what it is take it or leave it, it's really that simple.
You were not forced or coerced into coming here and you will not be forced or coerced to stay.
Now you're here, you will not forced, coerced or emotionally blackmailed into commenting nor will you be to stop.
Stop playing the victim and take responsibilty for bringing yourself here and choosing to comment.
It was an experiment. I wasn’t sure how a regular Witness would be welcomed here.
Tom, how would an exjw be treated on jwtalk? Nobody removes your comments, nobody edits and removes parts of them, people are willing to discuss.
You are coming here and writing things we heard million times in decades of being JWs: 900 languages, JW do not go to war, there is a brotherhood, ... What do you expect? Somebody to come back to you and say "Yes, Tom, I have not thought about this, you opened my mind, I am returning to the governing body?"
Outlaw is a hoot.......I love his take on things.
When I see dubs I just feel pity for the poor deluded souls.
Have to disagree with Landy about Outlaw.
As my grandkids would say, Outlaw is some aw'ight White dude!