I'm turning red with embarrassment.
Yup, if things work out, I pick up the cockatiel this evening.
I actually love all the stories you've all posted. Billygoat, that story about the little doggies, was so cute. Everyone here has done a little something for critters on the forum.
E-man: that budgeriar connection to JR - (sticks tongue out)
Oddly enough (don't laugh) the Humane Society had asked me awhile ago if I'd be interested in helping with helping out migratory songbirds. I have looked after wild birds before, some very pretty, some very common.
I visited the area where either baby birds are kept, or ones that hit windows, or just need a little rest. There was this one box. I can see birds, although from where I was at, I couldn't tell what they were. As I approached, it was obvious that it was a box of young immature birds (Blue Jays). Well, as soon as they saw me: the racket they made....beaks wide open, squawking like Blue Jays do. It was too funny, so naturally beside the box was some food for them, so they allowed me to feed the little brood of 4 scruffy blue jays. There was a cardinal there too, he was so beautiful, and recovering from being attacked by a cat. He just sat quietly, watching us with his little naturally bright red mohawk.
Even last Sunday morning, I noticed on a main street, a bird of some sort, sitting in the curb. Not moving even when trucks and buses went by. I knew something was a bit wrong. Sure enough, it was a bird that had fallen out of its nest. So I go over, scoop him up, place him in the above-ground planter. He had his wings, but obviously couldn't fly very well. I figure the parents had to be nearby.
Sheila, thanks...yes, I remember now about you folks having cockatiels. I will pick up the bird, hopefully, this evening. Yes, I will take pictures, and see if Baby will welcome him or not. Right now she's singing her little heart out, and making talking sounds.
Yup, send your birds my way. Chickens will not become stew or be placed in a pot.
Yeah, you know around Easter, I have seen that. People will buy a rabbit, chick or baby duck for someone, and then when these critters get big, they don't want them anymore. I don't think they should be sold to children, honestly.
There's a heatwave here today, low 90s. (+30C to +33C). Got the fans on, and the birdie is keeping cool opening her wings to let the air hit them.