You will be strong are just taking a much needed rest. You have used up all your reserves. Things are off kilter. Just as the Leaning Tower of Piza was once straight, it is a little off kilter, it still has a good strong foundation but is in need of a little support because of all the years of holding all those people up.
The thing about telling someone about a problem is being accountable after that.........Did you call your doctor? You do sound clinically depressed, and yes it can be different symptoms at different times. Please get some medication that will fix the problem and not just cover it up (drinking). I've been where you are and it is a very dark place. You can not be there for your wife whom you love and care for.....where can she go if not to you. You have taken the first step to recovery, the right medication can take you the rest of the way. The longer you think about it or put it off, that is precious time you could be getting back to the old you that everyone loves and misses. I'm sure they have noticed you have not been yourself. You are in a deep dark well looking up, the light is there and there are many hands here reaching down to give you a hand up, just keep talking so we know where you are.
Healing thoughts going your way. Take care. You are not weak........only human.