Pioneer, MS, Elder Publisher????
Do You Know Of Reasons Why Some Got Removed From Their Privileges?
by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends
I know a MS who "stepped aside" for "health reasons." It wasn't till years later that I found out he was physically abusing his wife and that's why he lost his privileges. I found out from the wife, so I know it wasn't just a rumour. I was there right after he hit her once.
If it were up to the elders in his cong, my father would still have all his privileges as an elder despite abusing me. He stepped down coz I have a big mouth.
I was removed from my publication's privileges for not preaching with my Bible's study group. Instead i preached with individual's proclaimer.
Next question?
good one, Dedalus. You showed me.
My mom told me that my dad was removed from his elder position because of me.....or rather because of what I did.
But, It's all good...he got his position back, and has been dutifully shunning me.
My husband got removed as a MS for turning in less then 10 hours a month of service time several months in a row. I guess he just wasn't creative enough in counting his time.
Attitude was always a biggie. Even if you did what you were supposed to do but didn't show the right attitude you could face censure. One brother had his privileges removed because he stunk. They were returned when he decided to comply with the rules on good hygiene. Sadly, he just started stinking again as time went on. He's still a MS.
My father stepped down from elder when I was a teenager and is still not one to this day. I've never found out exactly why. The night before the meeting at which it was announced he told us that they were announcing it and he said it was not because of anything we (my siblings and I) had done. I think he said something about taking a break. There could have been some internal struggle with the elder or maybe he really just got tired of the job and is happy being a regular R & F JW.
Another elder who was also the PO stepped down and it was obvious. His daughter had just been reproved for fornication and was pregnant. He eventually returned to being an elder.
I was never an elder but was removed from my "privileges" of microphone handling once for being the drum major in my HS band and later for having hours that weren't high enough. My hours never really improved after the second removal, but I guess they were having a shortage of workers so my "privileges" were restored. Funny thing is though my microphone handling privileges were taken that second time, someone decided it was still ok to ask me if I'd help cut the grass at the KH. I was like ok. But my father wasn't keen on that. He talked to them and they decided to rescind their invitation to allow me the "privilege" of helping with the grass cutting.
I was never removed from any position, because I'm only a woman and wasn't allowed to be anything.......LOL!!
My father was never allowed to have any "priviledges", simply because he had me for a daughter............
However, I do know that one elder lost being part of Elderama for 6 months because he was having sex with his wife's best friend. Apparently he was very sorry that he did this, and kissed enough asses whereby he got to be an elder again after 6 lousy months.
Surely this is another fine indication that Jehovah is NOT blessing this organization!!!