After the bizarre letter I posted on pornea here is another piece of the WT mind control, information service for Circuit Overseers.
WT New light on Judicial procedure.
by caspian 23 Replies latest jw friends
After the bizarre letter I posted on pornea here is another piece of the WT mind control, information service for Circuit Overseers.
After the bizarre letter I posted on pornea here is another piece of the WT mind control, information service for Circuit Overseers.
You may remember some time ago it was reported about the society classing masturbation whilst on the telephone or computer as loose conduct a judicial offence.
Here in a letter to all Circuit Overseers dated May 6 2002 they are “pleased” to clarify the point.
To all Circuit and District Overseers Page 2 para 2.Circuit Overseers Meeting Outline for September 2000 through February 2001.
(S-337 5/00) The outline states: “if while on the internet or telephone one pratices masturbation while relating to someone else his sexual experiences or while describing fantasies about a person of the opposite sex or of the same sex, this would constitute “loose conduct” and thus be handled by a judicial committee”
Some have asked whether the expression “practices masturbation” when used in this outline refers to just one act or several acts of masturbation. The term “practice” in the context of this outline can be applied to a one-time occurrence due to the shocking and public nature of the sin.
p.s I am just cleaning up my keyboard.
First, stuff like this is not so "shocking." Geez, it happens all the time and only those who are living in some Victorian fantasy-land will think it's not natural.
Secondly, in what way is it "public"? If it's between two people over the phone or internet it's not exactly "public." Calling it such is a stretch indeed.
Jessica Rabbit
Ya know what I find strange? How, pray tell, would a JC even know a person was doing this in the first place? Maybe I have been out so long and have found out what having a private life is all about, that I have forgotten about pathetic little dweebs who feel the need to spill their guts every few weeks to the Elders. Geesh! Don't they need two witnesses to press these charges or is that just for child molester's. I can never keep track of all thier policies.
Mr. Kim
Justice and rightousness is eating away at the heart of the WTB&TS.
Hang in there everybody.
The roof is leaking at the Watchtower......................
How, pray tell, would a JC even know a person was doing this in the first place?
It could really only happen if a person confessed to it or admitted it under questioning from the elders. I suppose an angry spouse could report the masturbator to the congregation committee, but that's only one eyewitness to the "crime" , and would not be enough to DF or censure a JW. (It doesn't seem likely that the person on the other end of the phone would be called in to a committee meeting, does it?)
So as long as the fellow (assuming the gender here) does the deed without two eyewitnesses, they're scot-free.
Well, I was a "pathetic little dweeb" that confessed this a couple of years ago but, remember, I was under mind-control.
Actually, the funny thing is that I talked about what happened with my presiding overseer about two months before this "new light" came out. He was very understanding, told me to put it past me and simply was a nice guy about the whole matter. I thought I should step down from being an MS and he told me not to. I thought everything would be a-ok. I was wrong.
I was sitting in the MS/Elder meeting when the "new light" was read to us all. My heart sank. The CO even added a little of his own thoughts after he read the official statement by saying that he couldn't fathom "how any man could do such a despicable thing." Very loving man, indeed.
Well, I talked again with the PO afterword (he didn't even bring it up to me!) and this began a long process of finding out what happened exactly and all that. He asked the CO for more information and told him my story. The CO said he didn't know what to do. They called the Society. The first elder who answered didn't know either, but said he could call next week. Nice, real nice. My emotions were running on overdrive and here they couldn't even give me a direct answer. I've learned that everything with the society is an agonizingly slow process. It's called beaurocracy I guess.
Well, the word came back. It was a judicial matter and I would stand trial. It was quick and to the point. I was privately reproved and lost my "priveleges."
Fortunately, I started to go through doubts at the same time and a little over a year later saw the Society and Bible for what it is. Now I look back and laugh at how ludicrous the whole matter was.
In my defense I would have to say that the climate of social control and pressures put on me by the society were partly the reason why I did the thing in the first place. I was just like any normal, healthy 23 year old man who had a revved up sex drive. But, I was in a cult where the only way to release these feelings was by getting married. I didn't want to do that for many reasons. So, I wen't this route. (Since then I've had the real thing. Much, much better )
Also, this experience helped me realise how "human" the organization is and also how Pharisaically legalistic it is. The first elder I talked to, a respected man -- the presiding overseer! -- was very loving about the thing and didn't think it was judicial at all ( he reaffirmed this for me emphatically). But, everything changed when the mother church set out it's directives. I don't believe in the Bible any more, but if I did I would have to conclude that the first brother did the Christ-like thing.
This was a long winded post. Sorry.
How nice.
This from an organization that does nothing about elders who cover up and lie about child molesting.
I say again: this sick organization is ruled by utterly greedy old men, who selfishly revel in the control
of every person they can con into obedience.
due to the shocking and public nature of the sin.
let me clarify something for them, I didnt feel at all shocking to me, and I wasnt in public.