This has nothing to do with the Jewish understanding of Genesis:
In Genesis day is interpreted from [yowm /yome/] which translates as “day” 2008 times, “time” 64 times, “chronicles ” 37 times, “daily” 32 times, “ever” 17 times, “year” 14 times, “continually” 10 times, “when” 10 times, “as” 10 times, “while” eight times, “full always” four times, “whole” four times, “alway” four times, and translated miscellaneously 44 times. The semantic range of a word is all the possible meanings of that word in the given language. Yome’s semantic range is restricted to only five meanings. 1.a period of light in a day night cycle, 2. a period of twenty four hours 3. a general or vague concept of time. 4. a specific point of time 5. a period of a year.
I read from this part of Genesis in Hebrew every Shabbat during Kiddush. I read and speak in Hebrew daily and been speaking it since childhood. None of what you write is correct. You don't speak Biblical Hebrew, do you? I'm Israeli, and I speak several Jewish dialects along with Hebrew.
Jew could be either nationality or religion. The most we have here is his opinion.
I am both a Jew by heritage, from Judean and Cohen (Levitical) stock. It is not my opinion that Jews in general accept evolution. Note the official pew research center information on this at
So it is not an opinion after all. I'll bet you can't admit you were obviously wrong here. And since you were wrong here, where else?
Only a self centered individual would consider that Judeo-Christian is some attempt to harmonize both world view.
Note that this is not a self-centered issue I raised. It is definitely one that bothers almost all Jews:
Again you are wrong and uneducated about this. And if you were wrong here, where else in your comments?
Care to give scriptural proof from the Hebrew Scriptures that evolution is true.
All educated people know that Jews don't follow the JW pattern of providing "scriptural proof" for their convictions.
Our religion is not based on the Jewish Bible or Tanakh (we don't call it the "Hebrew Scriptures" ). The "proof text" system was developed by Marcion of Sinope, a Christian heretic of the 2nd century. JWs and other Christians who are "Bible-based" revived Marcionism and it's "prove it from the Scriptures" approach. Jews don't follow Marcion, a Gnostic.
Unlike the religion of Bible-based Christians, Judaism isn't based on Scripture. We compose Scripture based on our religion. Our religion grows and evolves as history and science does. So we are not stuck reading the Bible as if we have to still live in the past or use it to provide "scriptural proof" of our beliefs like the heretic Marcion.
I was raised in it and then late in my teens left. Such insulting generalizations. And people wonder why sometimes I become mean.
And regardless if you were raised in it or not, if you are really an exJW then that means you were once baptized as one. I know a lot of people raised in the JW religion who don't ever join. But if you did, then you still joined a cult. If not, then you lied about being an exJW.
But you weren't lying about being mean. You are that.
You are acting just like a forum flamer, an Internet troll who because they fail to make it in the real world have to put on a display on the Internet. I just proved several of your points wrong, could probably spend more time doing the same, but like most people like you, you probably don't have the humility to admit you don't know what you speak of. You will just keep on attempting to prove you are right and everyone else wrong.
Don't act like you are a waste of time and space. That's what you're doing. I know there should probably be a decent human being in you somewhere, but obviously you don't care to let that decency come to the top. I won't waste my time on people who act like you have been acting here. What a shame.
And people wonder why sometimes I become mean.
I don't wonder why. Jesus himself said good trees don't produce bad fruit and bad trees can't produce good. Your being mean is your fruit. It says a lot about the kind of tree you really are. I just hope you don't stay this mean, unbearable person for the rest of your life. I would rather surround myself with JWs than you with your behavior you're displaying right now.