God is sovereign, He can create as He wishes; He chose to
create in six days [emphasis mine] - this is not supported by the fossil
Be honest, was this given as evidence or personal opinion.
Hint = I was asked for my opinion.
Darwin places the ‘Creator’ at the beginning, and it was He
that ‘breathed’ the laws of natural selection into each living creature. Seems
he was attempting to graft his theory into the creation account - no, Darwin
was not attempting to do that. Darwin just didn't know much about abiogenesis,
that's all. 'Creator' in this instance merely means the unknown, nothing more.
Read again.
There is grandeur in this [natural selection] view of life,
with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a
few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on
according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms
most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved. [Darwin]
But maybe these other quotes made by Darwin would help
"I often had to run very quickly to be on time, and
from being a fleet runner was generally successful; but when in doubt I prayed
earnestly to God to help me, and I well remember that I attributed my success
to the prayers and not to my quick running, and marvelled how generally I was aided."
"I liked the thought of being a country clergyman.
Accordingly I read with care Pearson on the Creed and a few other books on
divinity; and as I did not then in the least doubt the strict and literal truth
of every word in the Bible, I soon persuaded myself that our Creed must be
fully accepted."
Sorry it is an accepted fact, Darwin believed in God.
What is evolution based on? Drawing together desperate lines
of observational evidence and presenting an argument from a novel
interpretation of that evidence - this is what makes evolution so strong, so
solid, the multiple lines of evidence.
Not multiple lines of experimental, repeatable evidence but
observational evidence, and presenting an argument from a novel interpretation
of that evidence.
Example: Pakicetus Inachus to a modern whale based on the arrangement
of cusp on molar teeth. Positioning and folding of the ear bones within the
Kinda the opposite of what you've done. You've chosen to
focus on cytochrome C (an apparent anomaly), ignoring the massive amounts of
evidence for evolution. You believe in a creator God but there's no evidence
for His existence.
This massive amount of evidence is subjective and
unmeasurable. Cytochrome C is measurable. It is not an anomaly but evidence
that macro evolution never took place.