I've still got "Play that Funky Music" stuck in my head!
by plmkrzy 52 Replies latest jw friends
I've still got "Play that Funky Music" stuck in my head!
The radio is playing that forgotten song..
Brenda Lee is coming on strong..
The road has got me Hypno-tized...
I think the play by play was one of the best parts. Have you seen the GM commercial that is using that song as part of the ad campaign?
"let me sleep on it"....you can take a test drive and drive the car home before you make your decision kind of thing
who'da thunk it?
oh gawd...it's a thousand wonders I don't have more speeding tickets due to Radar Love playing on the radio. Something about it...
Hey Sheila! I'm weird too!
I will sing to just about everything just because I remember the words. Once I hear the music, the words are just "there." I have to REALLY detest a song to not sing it or to change the station.
Arrowstar..No I haven't seen it...but I'll watch out for it..
Aztec - ummm don't know what to say to get that song out of your head. I warned ya...
CC...what's the world coming to when Led Zepplin music sells Cadillacs and Meatloaf promotes test driving cars??
ahh...tis a sad day indeed....
Yeah...You can thank Bob Seger for that with the Chevy commercials..."Like a Rock"...Phooooey!!!
Was that the fiest sell out? Or was it ZZTop "She's Got Legs" as a Nair commercial?
the lure of the mighty dollar...
Hey Plmkrzy...Just wanted to thank you for starting such a cool thread..it was alot of fun!
I have almost every album Steely Dan has put out except their lastest, which is real good also.