I have heard that pleasuredome car-dances to "Reflex" by Duran Duran.
Everybody has at least one!
by plmkrzy 52 Replies latest jw friends
*computer-dancing* LMAO! :D I'm trying to remember the lyrics to I CAN'T DRIVE SIXTYFIVE! But ALL I can hear is Radar Love! bumbumbumbumbbmbbbubmbmbubm LOL!
oops! fifty-five hahahahaha
Sorry I can't edit my posts from my laptop. · Love the Talking Heads I have EVERYTHING they ever did. · I think I recognize almost every song everyone has posted · and love just about all the groups posted as well. · You know what is really cool? Driving down the road with my son in the car, he's seventeen, and we both start singing Bohemian Rhapsody when it comes on! · He can keep up with me when they play anything George Thurogood to!
I love driving in the car with my son (13) and singing along together. There are several songs we sing together. Fine Young Cannibals "She Drives Me Crazy"....Will Smith's "Wild Wild West" ...now that's a trip...let me tell you...
This has been such a fun thread. Thank you.
Arrow, my son loves to sing along when I pop in my System of a Down cd's! He's such a cute little heathen...LOL!
Aztec -
Don't you just love it? Just singing along and car-dancing. Yes...my son car-dances.
I have taught him well my young Skywalker.....
Az...I'm beginning to think we're twin sisters of different mothers.
(((AZTEC)))....you ROCK!!
Lets see now lets start with,
Back in black,AC/DC
We are the Champions Queen and everything from them
Black magic woman and everything from Carlos Santana.
Metallica-Turn the Page.
Metallica- Astronomy.
Twisted Diamond.
Paradise by the dashboard light
...ah Meatloaf...
oh Gawd another Meat Loaf fan!!!!!!!! I love him and have seen him several times. I got my pic taken with him at a meet and greet. I love all his songs and think he is one of the most underated singres around. Meat Loaf